Are young leftists just rebels without a cause?

  1. TarzanWilde
    This may seem vein but a lot of people label young people with interest or belief in Communism/Marxism/Any thing anti capitalism as being "rebellious kids" and that "they'll grow out of it" and ultimately a lot do; slowly conforming, possibly due to the realisation that their opinions are essentially futile.

    But there is a lot of debate that I have notice that suggests the teenage rebel's views on such topics is in some way the "right" viewpoint. Suggesting that as they're discovering how the world works they have a rather neutral or virgin aura around them and also a general sense of right and wrong, as many people do. So putting these two together brings many people to the conclusion that it is a morally correct and just way of life.

    Ultimately I'd love to hear people's responses to this and try collect a general mood towards it.

    Thank you
  2. Fourth Internationalist
    If being a communist makes you a stereotypical "rebellious" kid, then clearly it is not working on me. I'm like the exact opposite of that stereotype, with the exception of my radical beliefs. Most people who "grow out" of their radical beliefs usually never had a strong or scientific understanding of their beliefs, so their ideas are actually quite stupid, "childish", and utopian in the first place, and therefore are not going to be a long-lasting belief.
  3. The Pale Blue Dot
    The Pale Blue Dot
    Bolkestein embodies that position against anarchism pretty well here: