1. The Idler
    The Idler
    Please note you must make a disclaimer at the beginning of every recording you make along the following lines
    "Chapter 1 of A Little Princess. This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information, or to volunteer, please visit This reading by Kara Shallenberg, A Little Princess, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Chapter one: Sara"

    What software should I use to record and edit? (PC, Mac, GNU/Linux)
    Many of us use Audacity, a free multi-track audio editor and recorder for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS, and Windows. You can download it here:
    Haven't you heard of computer-generated audiobooks?
    Yes, we have -- in fact there are a number available direct from Project Gutenberg, among other places. However, we feel that texts read by real humans are sufficiently better that it's worth spending our time recording them. And we hope you agree!
    Why haven't you recorded my favourite book yet?
    We record books suggested by volunteers. If you post your suggestion in the Book Suggestions forum, you may get lots of interest, and then we'll have your book done.
    But please note we do not record books where this would be an infringement of copyright (No Harry Potter, no Lord of the Rings, no Danielle Steele) In practical terms, this generally means your favourite book must be available from Project Gutenberg before we will consider reading it.
  2. The Idler
    The Idler
    Some more info at