Daniel De Leon

  1. The Idler
    The Idler
    Major works of Daniel De Leon, the greatest American Marxist

    1. Reform or Revolution (1896)
    2. What Means This Strike? (1898)
    3. Two Pages from Roman History (1903)
    4. The Burning Question of Trade Unionism (1904)
    5. Socialist Reconstruction of Society (1905)
    6. As to Poiitics (1907)

    None on LibriVox as far as I can tell. None are too long, the first four major works formed the book Socialist Landmarks. They were originally speeches so should make good audiobooks. The last two major works are notably longer, but only As to Politics (1907) is divided up into chapters.

    1. Introduction - As to Poiitics (1907)
    2. Chapter 1 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    3. Chapter 2 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    4. Chapter 3 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    5. Chapter 4 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    6. Chapter 5 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    7. Chapter 6 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    8. Chapter 7 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    9. Chapter 8 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    10. Chapter 9 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    11. Chapter 10 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    12. Chapter 11 - As to Poiitics (1907)
    13. Appendix - As to Poiitics (1907)