Short articles

  1. Regicollis
    I have a suggestion - I think we should also write some short articles of only a few paragraphs giving the main points of the story. The small articles can give readers a quick update on news stories from around the world that they might not see on the evening news.

    Small articles also add bulk to the publication and provide constantly updated content for readers. Also writing a short article is less committing for the writers and might attract more writers. Short articles also gives us the ability to report current news quickly.
  2. The_Red_Spark
    Yes and again an excellent post. Short articles are read with more frequency too. Most people skip over the long articles on the internet. We need a mix of both to insure that we give our readers a good variety of things to read.
  3. nihilust
    i agree, peoples attention span on the internet can be quickly removed by cute pictures of cats, or is that just me?
  4. The_Red_Spark
    No you are spot on my friend! People are microwave mentality and they want it read to them instead of taking the necessary time to educate themselves. This is probably the main reason why we are in this mess.
  5. nihilust
    i totally agree!
  6. Dominant Species
    Dominant Species
    Yes, people like to watch TV and listen to it like it's God. However, real movement only happens when people friends move, when whole units move. The real world is the real battlefield, I fear our efforts on the internet are wasted. Greek Strikes hopefully might make a breakthrough- main problem is the lack of militancy in the masses only the few are really militant ( although this is a huge group).