Getting cheap Marxist-Leninist books

  1. comrade_scotland
    This summer I and other volunteers have been cataloging Marxist-Leninist and Left materials with a view to distributing them to a new generation who have difficulty finding quality ML material. We are all volunteers - we don't make a penny!

    The result is Unity Books

    The site only went live last week. Please have a look round and see if you can add to your library. Loads of bargains to be had, starting from 50p.
  2. Positivist
    Cool site, a lot of works I've never seen before.
  3. Ismail
    Definitely a good move.
  4. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Dibs on Stalin's collected works.
  5. Sixiang
    Awesome. Whenever I finally visit my ancestor's homeland in Scotland, I will be sure to look you guys up.
  6. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Don't you dare violate the dibs-rule, I'll break everyones face.
  7. Questionable
    I just found this. Is the online bookstore still active? I was actually looking for something similar to this.
  8. Ismail
    I just found this. Is the online bookstore still active? I was actually looking for something similar to this.
    Yes it is.
  9. GallowsBird
    Not too far away from me actually. I may look in there if I go to Glasgow anytime soon.