Working periodical website ready

  1. Regicollis
    I have finally produced a working site for the periodical. It is based on Wordpress and extended with a few plugins. Anyone can register for an account and write content (although it will not be published until approved by an editor).

    Check it out on

    Feel free to give any constructive criticism
  2. DrZaiu5
    Looks pretty good Regicollis
  3. Positivist
    Looks awesome. Definitely a great place to start.
  4. Comrades Unite!
    Comrades Unite!
    This isn't showing up for me
  5. jookyle
    Fantastic start, comrade!
  6. Comrade Samuel
    Comrade Samuel
    Really good looking site! Who did the logo at the top? It's pretty cool.
  7. A Revolutionary Tool
    A Revolutionary Tool
    Looks great comrade!
  8. Comrades Unite!
    Comrades Unite!
    Finally! It shows up!
  9. JPSartre12
    It looks wonderful, good job comrade.
    Could we add a "United States" section under the "Regional" tab? A lot of what I want to write about is U.S.-specific.
  10. Regicollis
    It is possible to add all new categories as seems fit. However I would recommend that only editors should be able to add categories.
  11. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    It tried registering an account, but I don't get any mail, and when I do lost password, I get an e-mail only saying: Spam Filtered.
  12. nihilust
    yeah, i need a category for the short story/parable section. how can i go about adding one?
  13. RedMaterialist
    I like the idea. But the name International Freedom Report; it sounds vaguely reactionary, bourgeois. I could help with the editing.
  14. The_Red_Spark
    I like the idea. But the name International Freedom Report; it sounds vaguely reactionary, bourgeois. I could help with the editing.
    That was the intended design. We aren't preaching to the choir on this project and we want to sound like a liberal rag to draw in a new audience of readers and slowly introduce them to more radical ideas. Everything we are doing has a large degree of subtlety to it until we get enough writers that we can turn up the volume on our views. This will take a little time but as long as we watch the usage of rhetoric and the like we should be able to pull of our goal.

    We are probably going to need some more editors. I will get back to you on this once we get a chance to sort out a few details. I am glad to see you have an interest in the project and I look forward to seeing your work.