Video Topics

  1. Positivist
    In this thread we can make suggestions for topics to cover in the videos. Please follow the format displayed below;


    In depth description of what the video will cover including:
    A.) Thesis (What we are asserting in the video, statement of theory.)
    B.) Anti-thesis (What others assert in opposition to our thesis.)
    C.) Refutation of anti-thesis.

    Any accepted topics will be added to the other thread.

    (If anyone wants to suggest a change to the format VM or PM me. Furthermore this is not the necessary sequencing which our videos must follow, just things which will be helpful to keep in mind when doing the actual scripting.)
  2. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Obviously, the myths of communism. Perhaps famous communists, or suggested reading. Maybe a guide to the different tendencies? How communism has worked in the past, and how the revolution can work.
  3. Positivist
    I'll provide an example.

    Suggestion: Video on Heterosexism
    A.) Heterosexism is the result of the development of individualist patterns of perception where opposition to different people is extended to groups with different appearances, customs and lifestyles. This pattern of perception stems from basic individual identification which is common to humans of nearly all societies but is intensified under a system where individualism is emphasized through the institutions of competition and market exchange. Heterosexism is harmful to members of the LGBTQ community as they are deprived of the same civil opportunities as others, and are ostracized from social communities as a result. Heterosexism also enforces the binary gender paradigm by labeling any man who is percieved to act feminine or any woman who is percieved to act masculine as being "gay" or "lesbian" thus discouraging them from pursuing these courses of action out of fear of the stigmas associated with homosexuality. This is harmful to both men and women as their ability to express themselves is severely impeded, and also to women in that advancing in their careers or entering male dominated fields becomes socially and psychologically more difficult.

    B.) Critics will respond by saying that male and female characteristics are fixed biologically and that men and women act as they do due to the chemicals that they produce (estrogen and testosterone.) Others will argue that gay relations are "unnatural."

    C.) We will cite the existence of transgendered people as proof that behavioural patterns are not determined by biological gender, and we will reference the historical examples of ancient Greece, Rome and native amercia as examples of early human societies where homosexual relations were accepted and even welcomed. We may also add that men and women are capable of experiencing anal stimulation (in the case of men) and external stimulation (in the case of women) as evidence that homosexuality is absolutely natural, though we may want to avoid this if we think it would be too obscene.
  4. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    My bad, I completely forgot to phrase it like that. Let me try to come up with a better one.
  5. Positivist
    My bad, I completely forgot to phrase it like that. Let me try to come up with a better one.
    No problem comrade, don't let the format restrict you, its just meant to be a guide and to extract important information on the potential topics.
  6. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Here's a short one.

    A.) Capitalism does not promote freedom, and limits choices. It is the opposite of true freedom.

    B.) Capitalism is better than collectivist style societies, and people are allowed to run businesses, purchase things, propety, work for an agreed wage, etc.

    C.) Capitalism exploits workers, and people are left with few choices. Corporations run government, wage slavery etc.

    A little all over the place, but it's a start.
  7. Positivist
    Here's a short one.

    A.) Capitalism does not promote freedom, and limits choices. It is the opposite of true freedom.

    B.) Capitalism is better than collectivist style societies, and people are allowed to run businesses, purchase things, propety, work for an agreed wage, etc.

    C.) Capitalism exploits workers, and people are left with few choices. Corporations run government, wage slavery etc.

    A little all over the place, but it's a start.
    This would need a little expanding but its a good start and raises a great idea which hasn't been propose yet? How free is life under capitalism? This could easily be adapted to "How free is America?" Or "How free is the free World?" Or something along those lines. I absolutely agree we need videos which attack the supposed free, voluntary and democratic features of capitalists society such as elections, consumer choices, wage contracts, starting a business, etc. This is a good topic.
  8. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Yeah, it's definitely not finished, but I can help finish it. It'd be cool if someone would help write it.
  9. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    We could include the counter argument, that Laissez Faire capitlaism, would be better.
  10. Positivist
    We could include the counter argument, that Laissez Faire capitlaism, would be better.
    The counter-argument should actually be that capitalism is free and democratic, since this is what we are specifically arguing against. A video exposing the ridiculousness of lasseiz fairer capitalism is a good idea for another video.
  11. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Either way. It's an oft-used argument.