Awakened: For Those Who Were Brainwashed

  1. TheRadicalAnarchist
    I remember all my youth, growing up in a conservative household. I was taught hate, greed, religion, and imperialism. I was told all of these things were good by my parents, even though in my heart I knew they were wrong. But as a kid, you trust your parents, so naturally I followed their beliefs. As I progressed in school, there were kids who were openly bi-curious, or gay, or atheist. I remember bullying these kids, because they were different and outside of my understanding. But when I turned 15 or so, I began to explore different ideas. I was a big fan of history, and was always curious of people like Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, and Marx. I began to read biogrophies and autobiographies. Then I read the Communist Manifesto. It was then that I realized hate is bad, greed is bad, imperialism is bad, not only because it is hateful and immature. But because it destroys society. Since then I have progressed from a Communist, to a Trotskyist, and now to a Trotskyist-Anarchist. I have apologized to those I hurt, and piss of my parents about politics and religion every chance I get. I was not a Fascist because it is what I truly believed, but because I was brainwashed.

    I also have overcome homophobia and being closeted, and I am now openly gay, agnostic, and very left-minded. Everything I was raised not to be.

    I would love to hear stories from you guys.