Bio-Political Bacgroun of Monsieurs Dupont

  1. Thirsty Crow
    Thirsty Crow
    Hello all,

    I'm new to this group, and it was only yesterday that I started reading "Nihilist Communism" and already found the work to be quite provocative (in terms of provocations to actually rethink some things) and interesting.

    Though, what I'm after here in this discussion is possible contributions towards the context of those militant's interventions into and interactions with the revolutionary millieu. Basically, I'd like to know whether there are texts that deal with these issues, or texts which emerged out of these interactions and cover these problems, as well as any "background" information available.

    I've always found it more productive (though also more time consuming) to try to comprehend an argument fully by means of accessing its context, so this is an attempt to do so.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?
  2. Devrim
    I just saw this group by chance and joined to answer your question. Both of them were postmen in the UK in the 1980s. I knew, and still occasionally write too, one of them, but not the other. We were in a 'rank-and file' group together in the Post Office. It was called Communication Worker Group. You can find an article he wrote about the experience here. He was also in the UK ACF, now AF, and I think wrote on that at length too.
