ICT and Revolutionary Perspectives

  1. Thirsty Crow
    Thirsty Crow
    Hi people, sorry to stumble in with a fairly simple thread, but it seems that I have a problem with this journal of ICT.

    I'm looking for RP #19 and I can't find it on leftcom.org. It seems that #26 is the most dated on on the site, so I would appreciate advice and help on getting my hands on other issues as well (preferably online since I'm broke right now and couldn't pay a dime for mail ordered issues).
  2. Devrim
    If you send me your email by pm, I will write to them and ask them.

  3. Jock
    We did not start digitalising Rp until 26. If you want 19 send your address to me by PM or write to the BM CWO. London WC1N 3XX.