Comrade Trotsky Used KFC To Bring Down Soviet Union, China

  1. Zealot
    My fellow Trotskyist-Sandersists, it has recently been uncovered that the propaganda posters (Fig. 1) distributed around the Soviet Union in the 1989-91 period was in fact the work of great Comrade Trotsky.

    Figure 1.

    The campaign against Stalinism was intensified thanks to the great efforts of the KFC Liberation Front and the superhuman efforts of people such as Leon Trotsky and Tony Cliff. The successful destruction of the Soviet Union was brought about due to, in no small part, these KFC posters.

    In other news, Comrades in China have successfully liberated China from Stalinism (see Fig. 2 for proof).

    Figure 2.

    This graph (Fig. 3) shows the upward trend of Trotskyist-Sandersism in China. The Stalinist Party of China has recently released a statement claiming they are beginning to shut down all KFC joints, saying, among other things, "The KFC Liberation Front was larger than we expected... Colonel Sanders must be stopped at all costs. He may be a Colonel in the KFC Liberation Front but he is certainly no chicken."

    Figure 3.
  2. seventeethdecember2016
    My gosh!! The situation is worse than I had imagined.