What if the Spartacist Uprising Succeeded?

  1. NobodyButNob
    So what if?
    What if Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebnecht succeeded in bringing down the Weimar Republic in Berlin?
    What then?
    To what extent?
    A couple questions that need to be addressed in the beginning:

    1. What kind of political scene would we see? A communist one? Or a populist socialist one?

    2. How far would the revolution go? Do you think the Weimar Republic would be shattered into two? Perhaps a Northern Communist/Socialist Germany governed by said leaders and a South Germany with a capitalistic/fascist regime. Would the south be governed by possibly... HITLER? (Bavaria I believe housed the majority of Nazi's. Correct me if I'm wrong.)?

    3. Would we see any kind of intervention from other countries? League of Nations being as it is would likely do nothing because they were useless. But hey do YOU THINK they would supply the Weimar Republic with some weapons and cash to at least keep the regime intact? Because we all know everyone back then hated communists.

    4. What would happen to the world? Would we see more socialist revolutions in other countries what with the successful revolution of Germany and Russia? Would France, the United Kingdom, USA, so on so forth, adopt more oppressive measures against socialists?

    If you have answered these questions what then? What would happen to the world after 1919? Would World War 2 still happen?

    Anyway I've talked enough: Discussion go! (And please go indepth.)
  2. RedScot24/11/1859
    1. I think we'd likely see a very de-centrally organised economy, quite similar to libertarian socialism due to the council communist nature of the German Communist Party at the time.

    2. If it happen it would probably have spread all across Germany, even if socialists weren't the majority in an area they would be too frightened to resist the workers seizing the means of production.

    3. I think the other European powers would be quite wary but they would still trade and I doubt they would ever consider war in much depth.

    4.I seriously doubt that there would be much effect in western Europe except for the increase in the fascist movement that usually accompanies the perceived possibility of socialist revolution, however there is a good chance some of the eastern European countries could have followed after Germany.
  3. Comrade Gwydion
    Comrade Gwydion
    Germany would be sucked into the "Russian Civil War", I'd imagine. I don't think the animosity between Luxemburg and Lenin would be enough to keep the Red Army and the german Red Army from supporting each other. The "Russian Civil War" would even more become an "Eastern-European Civil War".

    Foreign intervention actually DID happen: more then 14 armies, including the so-called war-tired nations of Belgium and France, invaded Russia in the beginning of the Russian Civil War.

    From here on, this butterfly causes to big a storm to properly make any predictions. More revolutionairy movement in the west? Possibily
    More authoritorian ("fascist") regimes in the West? Probably. I can't imagine a split in a communist and a conservative/fascist Germany. A split in many different mini-states seems more likely, because that happened, even though the ministates eventually failed.