Other People We Support?

  1. Cyberwave
    Let's face it. Marxism-Leninism is very peculiar about who we pledge support to. Other than the obvious of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hoxha (or Mao if you're a Maoist I suppose) there aren't many people off the top of my head that I know are really that agreeable. So who were some other leaders and philosophers that were more aligned with Marxism-Leninism, or at least agreeable to extent?
  2. Gustav HK
    Gustav HK
    No one as much as those, but there are some lesser, such as: Georgi Dimitrov, Andrei Zhdanov, Bill Bland, etc.

    NB! Bill Bland was against Georgi Dimitrov.
  3. Gustav HK
    Gustav HK
    And there were some ML philosophers and economists under socialist USSR and socialist Albania.
  4. Ismail
    A lot of people took good lines under Lenin and Stalin, or under Hoxha, but then embraced revisionism when it emerged. Otto Kuusinen is a good example, being considered one of the main communist theorists in the USSR.
  5. Sixiang
    Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and countless other people who engaged and are still engaging in revolutionary struggle around the world.
  6. The Vegan Marxist
    The Vegan Marxist
    Kim Il-Sung is another great ML revolutionary in history. And of course ML's support Mao, which then doesn't mean we're Maoists. Mao was a great contributor to Marxism-Leninism.