The CPGB ML's support for Provisional Sinn Fein in Ireland and the ANC in Azania.

  1. RedSunRising
    While I believe that national liberation movements led in primarily in the interests of the middle class should be supported when they are fighting Imperialism, the national bourgouise remains a separate class to the proletariat and there are antagonistic contradictions between them. While the ANC achieved considerably more sucess than the Provisional Republican Movement in Ireland still foreign interests control sizable parts of the country's wealth which obviously gives a great level of political control as well. White supremacy has been severely damaged but never the less still remains with a great deal of power. Also the ANC is adminstering capitalist rule.

    In the case of CPGB ML's support for Provisional Sinn Fein this is even more mysterious to me given that there exists a party in Ireland, the Irish Republican Socialist Party who have extremely similar politics to the CPGB ML, why would they not support a Marxist-Leninist Party over one that has accepted a agreement that copper fastens partition, insitutionalizes sectarianism and adminsters capitalism in parternship with the Democratic Unionist Party who have strong theocratic elements, are miltantly pro-zionist as well as having past links to death squads?

    Surely non-Communist national liberation movements should only be supported when they are acting in the interests of the working class, and we should definitely not support once they have made peace with Imperialism?
  2. RedSunRising
    Im asking this here because I would like to here other MLs views and also because I didnt want this trolled by Left Communists and Trots.
  3. El Chuncho
    El Chuncho
    I am not quite sure why the membership of the CPGB-ML, as a whole, supports Sinn Fein rather than the IRSP, which I support personally, but I think it is because Sinn Fein is bigger and more likely to make any political gains.
  4. Spawn of Stalin
    Surely non-Communist national liberation movements should only be supported when they are acting in the interests of the working class, and we should definitely not support once they have made peace with Imperialism?
    This is the problem, CPGB-ML maintain that Provisional Sinn Fein have not made peace with imperialism.
    Congress reaffirms our solidarity with the struggle of the Irish people for self-determination, independence and reunification, as expressed at our founding congress and subsequently. The Irish people have struggled for centuries to restore their legitimate national rights and still do so today. Their unyielding spirit in the face of overwhelming odds has inspired freedom fighters throughout the world and continues to do so.

    Through a masterful combination of political and armed struggle, the Irish people, led by the republican movement, forced the incomparably stronger forces of British imperialism into a state of strategic stalemate. Since then, Sinn Fein has skilfully built on the gains of the previous period of struggle to advance a political process aimed at reconciling the historic antagonisms fostered between Irish people by British imperialism through its strategy of ‘divide and rule’.

    Congress welcomes the further step towards a united Ireland represented by the Hillsborough Castle Agreement (HCA) signed on 5 February 2010. This agreement, effective from 12 April, transfers the control of policing and justice in the six counties from British to Irish soil, brings parades legislation under local control and clears the way for the long-awaited implementation of the Good Friday and St Andrew’s agreements.

    This tactical achievement is the fruit of lengthy political struggle led by Sinn Fein, whose growing political strength both in the occupied north east and in the rest of the country has obliged even the hard-line unionist sectarians of the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) to bow to the inevitable. That is why the DUP dropped their arbitrary precondition that the Orange Order be given carte blanche to march up the Garvaghy Road – only the latest in a long line of delaying tactics dreamed up by these unionist diehards, doubtless encouraged in their pathetic obstinacy by reactionaries in the Northern Ireland Office itself.

    Congress reiterates the demand that British imperialism and its unionist stooges stop all further foot dragging and immediately and fully implement all provisions of the Good Friday and St Andrew’s agreements as a step towards full British withdrawal from Ireland and the affairs of the Irish people, national reunification and independence.

    It is well known that Karl Marx and Frederick Engels repeatedly taught that the British working class must support the Irish not only as a matter of justice for Ireland but above all in their own class interest. It absolutely remains the case that the British proletariat will remain slaves to capital unless and until they learn to support the struggle of the Irish, the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Palestinians and every other oppressed nation that rises up to challenge imperialist domination.

    For that reason, our party will continue to support and campaign with Irish community and anti-imperialist organisations standing for national reunification and an end to British interference in Irish affairs, including the Wolfe Tone Society and the Troops Out Movement. In particular, we will support the international campaign to “put Irish unity on the agenda”, which Sinn Fein has launched in Canada, the USA and Britain in recent widely supported rallies.
    This motion was passed at the last congress before I left the Party. Funnily enough, CPGB-ML has two Irish members that I know of, both voted against. One is a supporter of IRSP, the other a supporter of RSF

    It's funny you mention the ANC, another party which CPGB-ML has strong links with, but last I heard they were looking to sever those ties by funding a radio station for a real revolutionary Party in South Africa.
  5. RedSunRising
    This motion was passed at the last congress before I left the Party. Funnily enough, CPGB-ML has two Irish members that I know of, both voted against. One is a supporter of IRSP, the other a supporter of RSF
    WOW....I actually know who that is! That guy is a complete is a complete nutter if Im right on my guess, and there cant be to many Stalin worshipping RSFers about the place.

    Anyway to El Chruncho the problem is that PSF are making gains for the Roman Catholic middle class, not the working class, and they are doing nothing really to stop the division of society down religious background lines which is barbaric in this day and age because a lot of their support is now based on that (having replaced the SDLP and become partly the SDLP). They are doing nothing to challenge the occupation either.
  6. RedSunRising
    Sorry I presumed the Irish members were in Ireland not England. The Irish radical disapora seems to have a weird love of RSF, the transgendered leader of the IRSP's solidarity group in the USA regularly posts on their forum and Im guessing that they dont realize she used to be a man...LOL!

    The English working class should support Irish working class and for the working class movements in Ireland that dont shy away for the national question. I dont agree with the politics of the IRSP but they are that, and they have a good handle of the situation on the ground as opposed to fairy tales that are potentially very dangerous.