What would an ideal Trotsky society be like

    I was wondering what you think.and don't just say "a communist one" because Im mainly asking because I'm wondering what would separate a Trotskyist society from Maoist or Stalinist society
  2. Chairman^-_-^
    From what I understand, all power to the soviets!
  3. LOLseph Stalin
    LOLseph Stalin
    Yes, rather than a bureaucratic party as we have seen in Stalinism.
  4. Mike Russell
    Mike Russell
    all working people taken part in the planning of production and distrobution.
  5. Kléber
    Well, we have similar theoretical opinions about socialism. These ideologies are just different theories on how to get there. That said, Stalin did not see political freedom as part of the definition of socialism whereas Trotsky and Lenin argued, that a regime based on repression and censorship could not be called democratic and therefore not yet socialist.
  6. Mephisto
    There would be no "trotskyist" society. Trotskyism is only a term to describe our tradition of revolutionary marxism and not a different form of communism that we want to achieve. The important thing is, that in our opinion, the stalinists can not achieve socialism or communism, because their strategy and ideology is doomed to produce deformed, beaurocratic workers states at best.
  7. AK
    Communism is our goal. Trotskyism is just the path we take to get there.
  8. Jolly Red Giant
    Jolly Red Giant
    the stalinists can not achieve socialism or communism, because their strategy and ideology is doomed to produce deformed, beaurocratic workers states at best.
    And something that has now passed it's sell-by-date.
  9. Autodidakt
    I think we've turned this into a conversation of semantics. The real question CHEthe LIBERATOR was asking is what will a communist society look like and consist of. I assume that's what he meant. If I'm wrong, CHE, you have every right to set the record straight.
  10. Yawn
    2 get this straight, Trotsky-ism is just the style we use to go through the revolution and support other nations with their socialist revolution?
  11. NewPartyTendency
    The USA with a lot of state-capitalist gov corps, working capitalist private sector to pay for the state-capitalist government corporations, high-tech nuclear power plants, and International high-tech technology projects (like ITER) in different fields. state capitalist gov corps offer more entitlements so you have to get promoted/have enough credibility from the private sector to enjoy state-capitalist entitlements. If everything was government corporations, the country would likely have a huge national unsustainable debt. They have to be publicly traded/list state-capitalist government corporations and have stakeowners and stock to lessen the tax burden on the bourgeois such as China Mobile.
  12. Hammilton
    Have you read Trotsky's "If America Should Go Left" ? To quote a section:

    The American soviet government will take firm possession of the commanding heights of your business system: the banks, the key industries and the transportation and communication systems. It will then give the farmers, the small tradespeople and businessmen a good long time to think things over and see how well the nationalized section of industry is working.

    Here is where the American soviets can produce real miracles. "Technocracy" can come true only under communism, when the dead hands of private property rights and private profits are lifted from your industrial system. The most daring proposals of the Hoover commission on standardization and rationalization will seem childish compared to the new possibilities let loose by American communism.

    National industry will be organized along the line of the conveyor belt in your modern continuous-production automotive factories. Scientific planning can be lifted out of the individual factory and applied to your entire economic system. The results will be stupendous.

    Costs of production will be cut to 20 percent, or less, of their present figure. This, in turn, would rapidly increase your farmers’ purchasing power.

    To be sure, the American soviets would establish their own gigantic farm enterprises, as schools of voluntary collectivization. Your farmers could easily calculate whether it was to their individual advantage to remain as isolated links or to join the public chain.

    The same method would be used to draw small businesses and industries into the national organization of industry. By soviet control of raw materials, credits and quotas of orders, these secondary industries could be kept solvent until they were gradually and without compulsion sucked into the socialized business system.
  13. One without ice-picks.