The Insurrectional Project

  1. Eastside Revolt
    Eastside Revolt
    The insurrectional project is probably one of the best textx I know making the case for insurrectionism:
  2. jbaez
    So, I was reading this and this struck me as interesting.

    Restructuring technology
    The present technological revolution based on information technology,
    lasers, the atom, subatomic particles, new materials such as optic fibres which
    allow energy transportation and consumption at speeds and over distances once
    unthinkable, genetic modification concerning not only agriculture and animals
    but also man, etc., has not stopped at changing the world. It has done more. It
    has produced conditions that make it seem impossible to plan or make plans for
    the foreseeable future, not only as far as those who intend to maintain the present
    state of affairs are concerned, but also by those who intend to destroy them.
    The main reason for this is that the new technologies, which are now
    interacting and becoming part of the context that has been developing over at
    least the past 2,000 years, could produce unpredictable results. And some of
    these results could be totally destructive, far beyond the devastating effects of
    an atomic explosion.
    Hence the need for a project aimed at the destruction of technology as
    a whole in its first, essential phase, and which bases all its political and social
    approaches on this imperative.
    What is technology's "first essential phase?"

    What exactly does the last part here call for? Is it for destruction of technology used for the oppression of the working class specifically or destruction of all technology? This part has got me pretty confused.

    Any direction would be appreciated, I'm almost through the rest of the text as well.
  3. bcbm
    i think he means that a project in its first essential phase must aim at the destruction of technology.
  4. Eastside Revolt
    Eastside Revolt
    i think he means that a project in its first essential phase must aim at the destruction of technology.
    I think he's also talking about the destructive social implications that technology can have on resistance....