May Day

  1. Manic Impressive
    Manic Impressive
    I don't really know many (reliable) leftists so would anyone like to meet up in London?

    Also we should get this group a bit more active seeing as shit's kicking off at the moment.
  2. SJBarley
    I live in London, been quite a nice atmosphere as of late owing to the ConDems revealing their stupidity, when where you thinking?
  3. Manic Impressive
    Manic Impressive
    well 1st of May I think there's going to be an occupation of Trafalgar square either 24 hours before or 24 hours from the 1st I dunno I'll check it out.
  4. Bitter Ashes
    Bitter Ashes
  5. SJBarley
    brilliant! looking forward to that, definatly going and bringing along a few almost leftists I know, with any luck they will enjoy the day and join us