Help a beginner out

  1. Yawn
    I am pretty new to the whole idea of communism, I've read a little bit about Trotsky and his ideals caught my attention. Can i get an honest answer from someone explaining to me what he actually believed in?
  2. redphilly
    Hi comrade, First, there's a lot of reading I could point you towards - Trotsky's: History of the Russian Revolution, My Life, The Lessons of October, Permanent Revolution and the Transitional Program to name just a few.

    This short piece, might get you started - it's by Ernest Mandel

    I might also suggest you read some James P. Cannon. Cannon was the leader of the US Trotskyists in the early years.

    good luck
  3. Yawn
    respect and thanks
  4. redphilly
    good luck. It took me a long time to come back around to trotskyism. I was originally around them in college and then around a maoist group for a while (bad news) and then active in central america solidarity work, where i became reacquainted with trotskyist ideas.
  5. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Rosa Lichtenstein
    Perhaps the best thing you can read is Hal Draper's 'Two Souls of Socialism', which more than anything else draws a very clear line between us Trotskyists and most of the others who think they are Leninists (ie., the Maoists and the Stalinists, etc.).

    This site also has much material that is well worth reading: