Civil / Winter war

  1. Forward Union
    Forward Union
    Which sides would you have fought on during these two conflicts?
  2. Forward Union
    Forward Union
    civil war - reds
    winter war - finnish side, of course. isn't it obviously?!
    That's close to what I would have argued. However, the Civil war involved a lot of Russian Imperialist expansionism. Were there Libertarian/Anarchist elements within the Finish Civil war?

    Are you sure that Fighting for the Finnish ruling class in the Winter war is justifiable? If so, on what grounds?
  3. NecroCommie
    Finnish civil war was separate from the russian one and propably could be described as an anarchist one. The leading party of the reds was the social democrat party, and it's marxist elements to be precise. All marxists however went underground after the civil war ended and communism (and anarchism) were banned outright. The more moderate social democrats were allowed places within the parliament. One has to understand that the red revolution was born according to anarchist ideals, and most of it's participants were not marxists, "only" class conscious. But then again the reds quickly organized around marxists, even when the ordinary troops understood little about his theories.

    In the winter war I doubt I would have joined the red army, but it is 100% certain I would not have aided the semi-fascist finnish government either. It means that I would have been shot (like many others with that exact view), but what would'nt I do for my class? I find it disgusting how anyone can defend the finnish government of the 30's. Massacres of pacifists, communists and even social democrats were common. The military was not even very shy about assasinating anyone who publicly opposed it's actions. These assasinations sometimes targeted even the parliamentary representatives.

    We however are forced to praise these murderous fucks every year because hey, it's patriotic!
  4. Sentinel
    The Civil war is quite obvious, while WWII is a more complicated matter, especially the Winter War. Stalins unprovoked attack on Finland did a huge damage to the communist cause in Finland.

    I simply can't answer the question to what my reaction would have been. It would definitely have been against my principles to fight (on the Finnish side) in the Continuation War however.
  5. Mälli
    civil war - reds
    winter war - finnish side, of course. isn't it obviously?!
    Same here.
  6. Punakaarti
    "Winter war" is fascist word created fo mythus for bourgeois-faschist state. Person how say that he or she is for Finnish butcher-state(lahtari-valtio) side instead of USSR and created Peoples Republic of Finland(1939-40) is not communist but he is social-faschist or bourgeois.

    Siis, joka sanoo olevansa ns "talvisotaa" (neuvostovastainen Erkon sota, 1939-40) koskien mannerheimiläisen lahtarisuomen puolella, eikä SNTL:n ja Suomen Kansanvaltaisen Tasavallan, ei ole kommunisti, vaan sosiaalifasisti ja porvari, jonka tulisi ottaa selvää tuosta ajasta, joka oli erästä synkintä aikaa Suomen työtätekevälle kansalle, vaikkakin vapautuminen lahtarivallasta olikin ovella.
  7. Mälli
    "Winter war" is fascist word created fo mythus for bourgeois-faschist state. Person how say that he or she is for Finnish butcher-state(lahtari-valtio) side instead of USSR and created Peoples Republic of Finland(1939-40) is not communist but he is social-faschist or bourgeois.

    Siis, joka sanoo olevansa ns "talvisotaa" (neuvostovastainen Erkon sota, 1939-40) koskien mannerheimiläisen lahtarisuomen puolella, eikä SNTL:n ja Suomen Kansanvaltaisen Tasavallan, ei ole kommunisti, vaan sosiaalifasisti ja porvari, jonka tulisi ottaa selvää tuosta ajasta, joka oli erästä synkintä aikaa Suomen työtätekevälle kansalle, vaikkakin vapautuminen lahtarivallasta olikin ovella.
    Mitä ihmettä täällä tapahtuu? Ei varmaan ole trolli.
  8. Punakaarti
    Ei ole trolli, ei peikko eikä mälli
  9. Sentinel
    Mitä ihmettä täällä tapahtuu? Ei varmaan ole trolli.
    Hehe. On kai niitä vanhan linjan stalinisteja vielä suomessakin.