A Hypothetical Situation

  1. LebenIstKrieg
    If for instance Eurasia including the British isles was to become an anarcho-communist territory, but the surrounding states were extremely hostile to the development and one of the states attacked. this state is called say Iran and has the backing of America and China because their desperate to retake their capitalistic interests and wishes to no directly confront this new revolutionary threat because it could spark nuclear annihilation should we retaliate or suffer repeated attacks on our to found freedom and incite and train revolutionary's in combat in their own states. I was just wondering what would happen I would have thought that the oppressed African people would see their chance to rebel. I was simply curious to see what an anarcho-communist "super power" (excuse the terminology) would look like with all its newly acquired technology and weaponry?
  2. LebenIstKrieg
    So nobody's got nothing to say?
  3. revolution inaction
    revolution inaction
    if a anarchist-communist revolution has occurred over a large part of the planet and has sufficient resources to support its self and the millatery technology to defend against attack then I think that the people in the anarchist teratory would support revolutionary in ther reast of the world so that the revolution could spread to the whole planet.
    And if it was attacked which is likely then i think the people would fight back which ever country it was attacking.
    i'm not sure what you mean by retaliate though?
  4. LebenIstKrieg
    By retaliate I mean Fully fledged Fourth generation warfare or even possibly by then 5th generation warfare if the technology in warfare progresses at the current rate of acceleration (i.e stealth, EMP, Cybernetics and Computerised warfare; see "ghost in the shell"). Also would A new more advanced breed of Anarchist-Federalism that would alow an extremely High-tech computerised revolutionary state, because all I can see us doing after a global revolution or be it Global civil war is space colonization mainly down to the lack of resources and space that earth holds.
  5. LebenIstKrieg
    respond when you like.
  6. WeAreReborn
    Well, for me when I picture an Anarchist society, I see it separated into separate parts and then federalized. This federation would serve a few purposes, but to focus on the topic, it would help in defense. An example, would be say Greek city-states in ancient times. Each commune or whatever the area maybe would have their own militia that is trained and then the forces would centralize and become a standing army. Anarchists could easily be a technological "superpower" but when I picture it I don't really envision it. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. But to actually answer your question, lol, the Anarchist "country" should fight back to any aggressor and defend their freedom.