Spreading the word.

  1. Chambered Word
    Chambered Word
    Hey comrades.

    I think as young people who are caught up in a system that teaches impressionable minds such bullshit like the dictatorship of the proletariat being an actual dictatorship by one person, the USSR being a communist state, communism equating to totalitarianism, George Orwell being an anti-communist (need I give you any more examples of what our governments pass off as an education?) somehow we have a duty to teach the truth to our peers.

    What do you guys think about spreading the word at school, creating socialist youth clubs and teaching other young people about Marxism in general? I think you might be surprised how many believers are out there waiting to happen.
  2. Manifesto
    Already have tried talking to as many as I can while maintaining a low profile and still nothing.
  3. RedRise
    I've had a few people come up and ask what communism is actually about (since it seems everyone in the whole damn school knows I'm a 'commie') and I tell them that it's about equality, fairness, freedom and the people's rights and they look at me and go 'oh my gosh - I think I'm a communist!'
    Other than that I try to avoid argument over it other than with friends or people I get along with as it usually ends badly for me.
  4. Chambered Word
    Chambered Word
    Why does it end badly for you?
  5. samofshs
    I don't like the sound of "youth clubs". sounds too much like hitler jugend or whatever the german word for hitler youth is. maybe "young activists" or some other more approachable name is better. but the IDEA of a youth club is AMAZING. you see, I'm an eagle scout,the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of america. earning this has taught me many life skills and ALL OF THE SKILLS THAT WOULD BE NEEDED TO START SUCH A YOUTH CLUB SHOULD I HAVE SUPPORT. maybe even like a communist version of the scouts in other countries (with boys AND girls) would be perfect as far as organisational structure goes. what do you guys think?
  6. CELMX
    yeah, scouts sound great! not only would you learn about leftist ideologies, you can have loads of fun camping, or whatever the hell you do (i have never been in scouts, so i dunno)

    yeah, like scarlowy, everyone knows i'm a "dirty" commie. Even if i do tell them of equality, to each according to needs, whatever, they still say "looks good on paper, but never works" -_-

    kinda random, but guess what my friend's history teacher said about communism?
    "Communism is like school, but forever."

    and my history teacher on anarchism:
    "People skipping around nude in their little communes"

  7. tophat
    I posted this on another thread but it's relevant here as well:
    If you want people to respect your political stances, then don't just go 'oh hey - I'm a [insert leftist ideology here], you should be too - this is what it is...'. Instead, talk about it in relation to real life problems that your friends are going through or talking about.
    Discuss flaws in education systems bureaucratic, authoritarian or capitalist regimes, and how you think it could be improved in practical ways.
    Invite friends to groups you're part of, or meetings you're going to.

    Personally, I've found people very receptive to anarchist ideas (as well they might be... it's clearly wonderful and mainly just common sense) - many would now call themselves anarchists, and a few friends are now part of anarchist/activist groups.

    Also, organise a meeting or something against the imminent higher education cuts (in the UK £5 000 000 cuts, don't know about elsewhere), and how it'll affect our educations. You don't have to make it explicitly anarchist/communist - just involve everybody who cares about the fact that their education is being fucked.

    But most importantly just talk to individuals as equals - remember it could be that you have lots to learn from them, you don't have all the answers!
  8. ZombieGrits
    I'm an eagle scout,the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of america.
    Lol. I got kicked out of scouts cuz my dumb ass let it slip that i was atheist.

    The closest thing there are to leftists in my school is libertarians, but they're all Ayn-Randroids and social darwinists. I give up on "converting" classmates, I think over the summer I'ma just try to sell some socialist newspapers on the DART trains or something.
  9. samofshs
    how about "communism has never actually existed, so how would you know? why not give us a chance?" ?

    yeah, scouts sound great! not only would you learn about leftist ideologies, you can have loads of fun camping, or whatever the hell you do (i have never been in scouts, so i dunno)

    yeah, like scarlowy, everyone knows i'm a "dirty" commie. Even if i do tell them of equality, to each according to needs, whatever, they still say "looks good on paper, but never works" -_-

    kinda random, but guess what my friend's history teacher said about communism?
    "Communism is like school, but forever."

    and my history teacher on anarchism:
    "People skipping around nude in their little communes"

  10. samofshs
    you can't get kicked out for being athiest... you can't earn ranks, but as long as you're not irreverent, they can't kick you out. go beat those motherfuckers up for me!

    Lol. I got kicked out of scouts cuz my dumb ass let it slip that i was atheist.

    The closest thing there are to leftists in my school is libertarians, but they're all Ayn-Randroids and social darwinists. I give up on "converting" classmates, I think over the summer I'ma just try to sell some socialist newspapers on the DART trains or something.
  11. CELMX
    how about "communism has never actually existed, so how would you know? why not give us a chance?"
    er...yeah...and others are just going to refute with "and risk billions of lives to 'try something out'?"
  12. ZombieGrits
    you can't get kicked out for being athiest... you can't earn ranks, but as long as you're not irreverent, they can't kick you out. go beat those motherfuckers up for me!
    maybe 'kicked out' isn't really the right term... maybe 'ostracized and ignored until i quit of my own accord out of frustration'
  13. samofshs
    maybe 'kicked out' isn't really the right term... maybe 'ostracized and ignored until i quit of my own accord out of frustration'
    well don't you find their lack of respect for your philosophical views and respect for you as a human a bit irreverent? go talk to the members of the local eagle board about those people if you can remember their names. say you found their actions to be unfaithful to the scout oath and law and you and an eagle scout don't think they should earn their eagle rank.
  14. hobo8675309
    i dont like the boy scouts idea. boys couts are okay, and political ideologies in youth clubs are okay, but uniformed patrons promoting a particular ideology sound very hitler-esque. maybe more like "commie camp" for the summer.