
  1. Pogue
    So for the first time since I became a vegetarian today I accidnetaly ate meat - someone gave me my food and they thought it was the vegetarian mince substitue but they got the plates mixed up after I'd began eating.

    It doesn't really bother me, but I wonder if this has happened to any of you guys, and how you responded?
  2. Jack
    After about 2 weeks of being vegan, a Chinese guy at an Oriental restaraunt was shoving chicken samples at me and yelling "CHICKY CHICKIN", and I ate it without thinking. I was just kind of disappointed in myself for letting my guard down like that, but I didn't let it get to me.

    Now it's over a year later and I haven't eaten meat at all, I may have consumed animal products out of not knowing (Red 40 is the worst, in almost everytrhing colored red, and made from crushed up beetles), but nothing substantial.
  3. Misanthrope
    You know that pizza where the pepperoni is under the cheese? Well I took a bite of a piece and noticed it was meat. I didn't swallow it but it was still gross.
  4. GracchusBabeuf
    Whenever I eat meat by accident I say three Hail Marxes and dip myself in the pool thrice.
  5. LeninBalls
    I've eaten meat 4 times since I became a veggie, 3 times accidentally, 1 kind of accidentally...

    I've ordered rice that had hidden chunks of meat in it, forgot to order VEGETARIAN springrolls so they gave me springrolls with duck in them, and one time a week after I became a veggie some guy on the street offered me a sausage roll and without really realizing or considering what it was I just took it and ate it, only realizing I was eating meat until I just finished.

    Last time I was drunk though, I randomly and knowingly took a bite out of my girlfriends steak sandwich, not knowing why I did. I however though spat it out because I genuinely don't like the taste of steak.
  6. Comrade Gwydion
    Comrade Gwydion
    On holliday in spain, I bought a pack of chips, so I thought, but it turned out to be somthing made of ham. It was absolutely disgusting, and threw it away.
  7. Invincible Summer
    Invincible Summer
    I find Asian restaurants (not being prejudiced, just saying) have a hard time with knowing what "vegetarian" means - they seem to think anything w/ veggies in it is fine, even if there's like... beef tripe with it or something.
  8. Comrade Gwydion
    Comrade Gwydion
    Luckily the asian restaurant in my town is more carefull about that
  9. Revy
    It's happened to me a few times.
  10. (A)narcho-Matt
    Ive been veggie all my life so ive never knowingly eaten meat, although when i was in germany on holiday i had a "vegitable" soup, and found slice of sausage in the bottom which was horrible. Since going vegan ive only slipped up and eaten dairy a few times like when I started I went out to a club and after orderd a pizza from the takeaway...
  11. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    Ive been veggie all my life so ive never knowingly eaten meat
    Wow. Thats amazing
  12. Sapphire
    After going vegetarian (age 13) I had one incident at age 16 where I might have had gravy in some mashed potato that may have had meat in it at a camp I vounteered at in Canada. It was upsetting, but it wasn't certain, and it was a hard trip to manage as it was so far from home. I just brushed my teeth and moved on.

    The REALLY bad time was a few months back, about 1.5 years since going vegan, where I ate a bit of pork. My family is Jewish and even before I went veg, very healthy, I'd never had red meat before, and certainly not pork. It was a nice restaurant, but they somehow confused "vegan dumplings" with "pork dumplings". It was a late night take out and by the time my boyfriend and I had gotten home they'd closed. I took one bite, but I still spent about an hour crying in the bathroom with a bottle of mouth wash.