In place of an introduction...

  1. automattick
    I created this group with the intent that it would offer fruitful discussion without all of the sectarian rivalries that often surface. Since Marxism is not dogma, I hope that those of you who joined would be interested in looking at political economy as the main thrust of Marx's work. Any discussion of other theorists beyond Marx should be brought up only if they are relevant to a point Marx has touched upon, lest this group devolves into left economic forum. Limit the discussions to any of Marx's mature economic material.

    Beginners and experts are welcome! Please be respectful of the level of one another and be helpful if you feel that a comrade does not know enough about it.

    Some rules:

    1. No flaming. We're adults, not children.
    2. See #1.
  2. A.R.Amistad
    Awesome! I do hope we learn that Historical Materialism is not a form of "economic determinism" as many seem to think.