Has anyone noticed how Rosa...

  1. Muzk
    ...hates the "professionals"? I started reading "introduction to national economy" and noticed how she disses the smart-guys with awesome phrases :P
  2. The Intransigent Faction
    The Intransigent Faction
    Haven't noticed yet.
    Yeah, this is my first post here.
    Long story short, I had a bit of a self-imposed revelation.

    I suppose I won't get into it, but I reject Stalinism. The more I opened myself to researching it from a less...fanatically supportive angle, the more I took note of inexcusable bureaucracy and atrocities. I've always been intrigued by Gramsci and had heard, briefly, of Luxemburg, so I thought "Hey, I should check this out."...and it just makes sense.

    I haven't read that. I'll check it out, but I have read almost all of "Russian Revolution". From what I've seen, I do love how she writes. Fantastic!