The Group

  1. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    Im not a pascisfist (acctually an ex one), But im interested in studying and learning about Anarcho Pascifism, am I still allowed in?
  2. Crusade
    Absolutely. I'm not a pacifist either, in the absolute sense at least. I just prefer non violent methods whenever possible.
  3. The Ben G
    The Ben G
    Thats what I like to hear. I dont think violence should be used unless it is a necisity.
  4. Argument
    Personally, the only violence I support is basically self-defense. Best not to kill, as well. I don't know if I'd call myself a pacifist, though.
  5. Crusade
    Same here.
  6. SocialBlindness
    Actually what I believe is that a true revolution will unfortunately have some kind of violence but we should decrease it as much as we can and never do the same mistakes like bolsheviks for example....Violence can be decreased dramatically if revolution has the right foundations,at least in my opinion
  7. Crusade
    ^ Agreed