Energy Accounting

  1. Cult of Reason
    Cult of Reason
    I think it would be that, if you have a reserve of a particular material and you use some of it, the cost of the stuff used is made to include the cost of bringing the reserve back up to the same level as before.

    This, among other things, means there is a systemic incentive for recycling, as in that instance the costs would not be applied.
  2. Elect Marx
    Elect Marx
    Are there not problems inherent to the distribution system? This basically seems to function as a collective form of rational trade. What stops people from redistributing items (on a widespread personal scale) that have high demand, but no value to themselves (rare/luxury), for more of what they are interested in? Surely, we can argue that concern for the well-being of society and treatment for sociopathic behavior will be involved, but will that be enough?

    If this is a rather mechanical allotment, I have a hard time seeing it prevented. Of course there could always be the social pressures to not steal from your society or simple record keeping of what people have; which at the same time seems a bit invasive.