I wish I was a finn..

  1. RotStern
    I wish I was a finn
  2. Mälli
    Well be one.
  3. NecroCommie
    Yeah, cultures can be learned, and genetic definitions of nationalities are reactionary.
  4. Sentinel
    My parents are finnish, and I've lived there periodically, though born and raised in Sweden. Finnish is also my main language.

    BUT. While I do like to go on holidays to Finland, bathe in the sauna and swim in a lake, eat some HK Bleu with Turun Tulinen etc etc, I won't likely move to live there ever again.

    Sweden is simply miles ahead in social questions -- the kind of open and unapologetic racism and (relevantly for me) homophobia that, unfortunately, is normal in Finland simply isn't accepted here, the difference is like day and night.

    Social progress should thus be amongst the top issues for the modern finnish left -- not just the revolutionary wing of it -- to tackle, imo.

    But yeah the music is awesome.
  5. NecroCommie
    I really have to agree with sentinel on this one. Sweden does seem to be lightyears ahead of Finland when it comes to dominant values. The slight "progress" made in the parliamentary elements of finland in no way reflect the utterly disgusting racism and nationalism present in everyday discussions.