Possible names

  1. Olerud
    i just like REVLEFT or REVLEFT online whatever man.
  2. Q
    Revleft Tribune
    Revleft Courier
    Revleft Gazette
  3. redmarxist90
    Revleft Observer
    Revleft Times
  4. scarletghoul
    Are they your votes or are you still suggesting names?

    I have no preference.

    I think RevLeft online would be kinda silly, seeing as RevLeft only exists online anyway...
  5. farleft
    Actually I really like RevLeft Gazette (Thats my vote!)
    Can you create polls in groups?
  6. Olerud
    Gazette sounds like a local rubbishy paper
  7. Spawn of Stalin
    Yeah it kinda reminds me of a cheap British midweek.

    No polls in groups I'm afraid, we'll just have to count.
  8. Luisrah
    I don't like the Times or Press.
    It reminds me of the New York Times and therefore capitalism

    Maybe the courier?
    I don't know.
    I'd prefer those other names that didn't have ''paper'' in it.

    The leftist
    The revolutionary leftist

    I prefer those kind of names.
  9. Spawn of Stalin
    I like The Leftist, of everything that's been suggested I much prefer the simple names, Q's suggestion of The Communist was one of my original preferences but apparently it doesn't work ideologically.
  10. redmarxist90
    I like the revolutionary leftist. so thats my vote
  11. scarletghoul
    I think The Revolutionary Leftist or The Communist would be cool too
  12. farleft
    The Revolutionary Left (im happy to ditch the gazette)
  13. Spawn of Stalin
    Any objections to The Revolutionary Left or Leftist?
  14. Spawn of Stalin
    I'm going to acquire some domain names, therevolutionaryleft.com and therevolutionaryleft.org will be ours unless anyone can think of another name within the next few days.
  15. farleft
    Sounds good mate
  16. Luisrah
    I'm going to acquire some domain names, therevolutionaryleft.com and therevolutionaryleft.org will be ours unless anyone can think of another name within the next few days.
    The revolutionary leftist seems a bit big for the paper.

    But there are more leftists besides socialists/communists/anarchists right?

    The Radical or the radical leftist
    The Revolutionary

    It's hard to make a name which tells that we are leftist, revolutionary and radical without making it huge