Russian Children Left Homeless post-USSR

  1. proudcomrade

    Twenty years later, this is how things have turned out.
  2. hugsandmarxism
    This is what BobKKKindle$ is celebrating. Don't you just love him?
  3. GracchusBabeuf
    Are these children a sign of the "socialist victory" after the fall of the USSR?
  4. Rjevan
    God, that reminds me of this impressive documentation Woland showed me (credits to him!) about the current situation in Russia, people remember how it was under the USSR and you see how it is now. Really touching, shocking and heavy example of the "great progress" in Russia since 1991.
  5. LOLseph Stalin
    LOLseph Stalin
    This is what BobKKKindle$ is celebrating. Don't you just love him?
    Well Capitalism is better than the totalitarian Stalinist regime, right? Oh wait...