So... Articles

  1. Q
    If i get a moment i wanna do an artile about the current postal strike in the uk
    This would be good.
  2. redmarxist90
    This would be good.
    I'll try my best to do one but i can't promise anything as i have imminent coursework deadlines
  3. scarletghoul
    We definately should have something on the situation in Nepal, as it's pretty big and is happening right now. Anyone want to write it? If not, I'll have a go, but I warn you I've never wrote stuff like this before.
  4. Spawn of Stalin
    I think you should do it, you seem pretty knowledgeable when it comes to Nepal, Prachanda, etc. There's plenty of information available too.

    And of course, something on the postal strike would be excellent.
  5. farleft
    Nepal would be great, I was chccking the news everyday before the maoists took over ut since they did the news dried up, what have the done since taking over, how have things changed better/worse etc I think people would be very interested to hear about it.
  6. scarletghoul
    Well they quit government a while ago and are now trying to take over again...

    I'll try and write something. Events are still unfolding, and I have some college work to do, so it'll be done next week at earliest. I guess it should contain a breif history of the movement, what is happening right now, and why it is so important. Aight.
  7. farleft
    I may write something on Europe/EU now that the Lisbon treaty is going ahead. There's alot of mis-leading info on the EU especially in the UK.
  8. Spawn of Stalin
    If anyone wants to do a written piece but doesn't necessarily have time for an in-depth article, we can always just post it on the blog.
  9. redmarxist90
    I'll try and get the article done on the postal workers strike this weekend and try to post it on mon