Independent Working Class Association: advancing UK politics

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Die Neue Zeit
    Honestly, I never knew of this British organization whatsoever until Comrade Joe posted a most informative article here:

    To be brutally honest, there never was a golden age of the political left. But there was a time when there was more of a commitment to universal values and aspirations. The problem for the left was that they never had a convincing or successful programme that could deliver equality for all along with economic and social justice. The left certainly never had an analysis or programme that convinced the vast majority of working class people to fully place their faith in them. This failure inevitably led the working class to give up on the left and the left to emphatically turn their backs on the working class. The rest is the grisly history of the left’s retreat into the world of identity politics.
    This prompted me to go to their website:

    And man, when I checked out their program and manifesto, I was most impressed! Here indeed is the very essence of a proletarian-not-necessarily-communist party that has eluded the working class for too long: a better alternative than even the CNWP!

    [I just hope that CWI activists won't treat this as a mere "entryist" opportunity.]
  2. Q
    To be honest, the website looks like a one man job. The fact that you (or me) ever heard of them before, adds to this feeling. Their weblog goes back to September 2006 and only started to get regular updates since January 2008.

    But besides these points, what exactly do you find so attractive in them as opposed to the CNWP platform?
  3. Tower of Bebel
    Tower of Bebel
    Your quote mirrors the analysis of the CWI: there was no programme. However, it's evident that underneath this lies a different programme and method. I like them. But there's no "entryist opportunity" however. The organization is way too small. It think that a common programme of action would be more appropriate and also more likely.
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Die Neue Zeit
    I meant "entryist" in the sense of individual members only, not the whole SPEW.

    But besides these points, what exactly do you find so attractive in them as opposed to the CNWP platform?
    I think the latter seems to be too tied up with trade union links.

    Here's the suggested order: (Founding Statement and Declaration of Independence) (FAQ)

    [They do seem to have an ultra-left view of unions, and have no programmatic suggestion for dealing with collective bargaining as opposed to my old thread.] (local program)

    [Interpret "The police to return to being a civic service" as you will.]

    Then their article on economic democracy caps things. Part II has yet to be released, though.
  5. RedDawn
    Richter, you aren't in the CWI, why do you keep bothering us?

    None of your shit even makes sense. If you had half an assed understanding of what entryism is, then you would have shut your piehole by now.