Class Persectives on Obama's Peace Prize

  1. MilitantWorker
    Just wanted to ask: What do comrades think about Obama winning the noble peace prize?

    When talking about it with other workers...

    What would be the 'left communist position' I wonder?
  2. Alf
    Just to point out that Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan
  3. MilitantWorker
    I really am curious as to why the Norwegian bourgeoisie (if I can assume they are responsible) decided to give it to him already, even though he hasn't and won't really do anything deserving of any peace prize.

    How does this advance bourgeois ideology in any way? All the workers I talk to about this are very critical about Obama having receiving the Nobel. And I can't think of much to say other than "don't worry, it's all meaningless bullshit."
  4. ls
    I really am curious as to why the Norwegian bourgeoisie (if I can assume they are responsible) decided to give it to him already, even though he hasn't and won't really do anything deserving of any peace prize.

    How does this advance bourgeois ideology in any way? All the workers I talk to about this are very critical about Obama having receiving the Nobel. And I can't think of much to say other than "don't worry, it's all meaningless bullshit."
    I'm almost tempted to say that the norwegian bourgeois are attempting to 'humble' him (he did say in his exact words he felt 'humbled'), obviously that doesn't really mean much and will do squat to stop him from being a warmongering p.o.s, but I'm sure some will think it has an effect.
  5. Alf
    Intifada - I see what you mean. I am not very clear about the current imperialist alignment of Norwegian capital, and we can't rule out the idea suggested in the post by Is that there is an attempt to influence Obama in some way; but we do know there has been a huge ideological campaign presenting Obama as a saviour of the planet, which goes well beyond particular imperialist conflicts since it is aimed above all at the working class, by derailing a growing desire for change back into the channels of the system
  6. baboon
    Obama is fundamentally continuing the the defence of US imperialism with some slight, mostly ideological modifications from the previous administration. The "peace" prize is an example of Orwellian double-speak from the ruling class. It was awarded to Henry Kissinger even before the end of the Vietnamese War I think, after twenty thousand GIs and numerous thousands of Vietnamese had been killed.
    The talk of Tony Blair, another bourgeois war criminal, being touted as president of the EU is another example of how the more blood they have on their hands, the more they are feted.
    I don't know about what Norway has to gain in this, but it is sucking up to a figure that very many bourgeois entities want to suck up to.