Left Communists, The State, Revolution and Anarchism

  1. Pogue
    I read this left communist critique of Anarchism with regards to the state and Left Communism that went something along the lines of saying that left Communists recognise the state will still exist in a revolution even if workers set up councils in the workplaces etc and thus that we have to fight against it in the political sphere. Could anoyne elaborate on this left communist position, in regards ot anarchism, and the state during revolution?
  2. beltov
    Basically, the state exists because classes exist -- it's function is to hold class society together in the interests of the ruling class. The day after the revolution classess won't instantly disappear -- it will take decades to uproot and replace capitalist social relations, so a state will of necessity arise to represent the interests of the non-exploiting classes (middle class, peasants) the bourgeoisie having of course having been defeated and dispersed during the civil war.

    The working class will exert it's dictatorship over this transitional state -- through the international workers' councils -- to ensure that it's arms are gradually 'lopped off' and communist social relations put into place. As production is increasingly socialised and geared towards the production of use values class society will gradually dissolve and with it the necessity for a state.

    Has that helped? There's a slightly longer explanation here that you may find useful.
  3. Pogue
    great thanks alot
  4. Leo
    Here's a more detailed article: http://en.internationalism.org/node/2648