Groups and representation on the CC Mini Study.

  1. Charles Xavier
    Ideological Group - CC Members (Size)

    Anarchists - 41 (252)
    Revolutionary Marxists- 30 (94)
    Trotskyists - 26 (93)
    Left Communists - 15 (88)
    Luxemburgists - 12 (38)
    Marxist-Leninists(de facto) - 10 (79)
    Maoists - 8 (60)
    Hoxhaist - 7 (40)

    Totals - 147 (744)
    Avg - 18.6 (93)

    Note: there is overlapping especially with Revolutionary Marxists.

    Dialectics Versus Anti-Dialectics

    Dialectics - 22 (53)
    Anti- Dialectic - 18 (34)

    Total - 40 (87)
    Avg - 20 (43.5)

    Organization - CC Members (Size)
    Committee for a Workers' International - 8 (22)
    Party for Socialism and Liberation - 6 (26)
    International Socialist Tendency - 6 (8)
    International Marxist Tendency - 5 (23)
    Communist League - 4 (19)
    Anti-Authoritarian People of Color (A.P.O.C.) - 4 (14)
    International Communist Current - 4 (9)
    Communist Party of Canada - 3 (11)
    New Communist Party of the Netherlands - 2 (8)
    Workers Party of New Zealand - 2 (2)
    Socialist Party USA - 1 (10)

    Total - 45 (152)
    Avg - 4 (13.8)

    Regional group - CC Members (Size)

    Oceania - 11 (31)
    Eastern and Southern USA - 10 (45)
    Ireland - 7 (39)
    UK anarchists - 4 (12)
    Pacific Northwest US and Canada - 3 (27)
    Midwest USA Marxist-Leninsts - 3 (12)
    Glasglow - 3 (12)
    Canada - 2 (28)
    Mountain West USA - 2 (3)
    Scotland - 1 (8)
    California - 0 (10)
    North Carolina - 0 (2)
    Total - 46 (229)
    Avg - 3.8 (19)

    Conclusions of the group study:

    In the ideological group there is a significant Bias towards the Revolutionary Marxist Group, Luxemburgists and the Trotskyist group. However the Revolutionary Marxist group had a noticable overlap is a more broad ideological group than the other groups. The Anarchists have a slight bias against and so do the Marxist-Leninists, and Maoists. The Hoxha and Left Communists show no significant bias in favour or against.

    In the Dialectics versus Anti-Dialectic there is a slightly higher than average bias in favour of the Anti-Dialectics, but its not significant as a percentage of CC members.

    In organizations, the Workers Party of Austrialia has 100% of its members being apart of the CC however, they are only 2 members. The International Socialist Tendecy has a significant bias in its favour.Committee for a Worker's International has a slight bias in its favour. There is a slight bias against the Party for Socialism and Liberation and International Marxist Tendency and a significant bias against the Socialist Party USA.

    In regional, of the major groups Oceania has a significant bias in its favour and Canada has a significant bias against it. Eastern US has a slight Bias in its favour and Ireland is about right. The smaller groups are all over the place.