Programme of the Comintern: "Transitionalism" before Trotsky

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Die Neue Zeit

    Although it is said that Trotsky was an original thinker in formulating the "transitional" programme, little is it known that such a programme was formulated well before 1938. Any Anti-Revisionist thoughts on the programme of the Comintern?
  2. spartafc
    wasn't the transitional programme an adaptation of a passed comintern resolution on economic/trade union struggle?
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    Die Neue Zeit
    I see you've either watched a couple of videos by CPGB comrade Mike Macnair, or you've read some of his programmatic commentary in the Weekly Worker.

    It's a mixture of that Comintern resolution you mentioned and of the Comintern program itself.