Links to discussion threads.

  1. GallowsBird
    Exoprism suggested that a thread should be made for M-L's to post links to threads that may be of interest to other M-Ls in order that we can help out in various debates. So as I had a bit of time on my hands I went ahead and made a thread.

    At the moment a thread that may need some attention is where Omsk and Zulu have mostly been posting a lot of good posts.

    This thread doesn't seem to be much of a problem even if it is becoming a case of Marxist-Leninists being stereotyped as "tankies", "nerds" and "nationalists":

    If anyone else is in a thread with little M-L support they should post them here for the rest of us.

    Again, thanks to Exoprism for the idea.
  2. El Chuncho
    El Chuncho
    I'm posting in one of those already, and giving thanks for the great M-L posts in the other.
  3. Roach
  4. Comrade Samuel
    Comrade Samuel
    Am I the only one questioning rafiq's comments through most of page 2 here? Mostly the excessive amount of time spent bashing ismail and small amount spent ACTUALY debating the topic? The only reason I bring this up is with Ismail looking alot like he will become the new maintainer of this group and rafiq's threats to get him banned/restricted are to be frank are concerning.
  5. Roach
    nah dont worry.
  6. Omsk
    Those are just empty words.
  7. Sixiang
    Some of the posts by Trotskyists and Left Comms in this thread made me want to throw up in my mouth a bit:
  8. GallowsBird
    Am I the only one questioning rafiq's comments through most of page 2 here? Mostly the excessive amount of time spent bashing ismail and small amount spent ACTUALY debating the topic? The only reason I bring this up is with Ismail looking alot like he will become the new maintainer of this group and rafiq's threats to get him banned/restricted are to be frank are concerning.
    Non-M-Ls regularly insult M-Ls, at the moment Ismail the most then Omsk and El Chunchu seem to be getting the most. It usually isn't too much of a problem though I have noticed that when I see it I do tend to jump in.

    It is ironic that Ismail rarely insults people or uses his "powers" because he dislikes someone yet he alsways gets criticised when other mods like Sam_b, are regularly flaming and acting like babies. It goes with the territory. Best to laugh it off as them being immature.

    Some of the posts by Trotskyists and Left Comms in this thread made me want to throw up in my mouth a bit:
    Not sure whether to laugh or cry about some of things written in that thread.
  9. DrStrangelove
    Wow. Rafiq's an asshole.
  10. Bostana
    Wow. Rafiq's an asshole.
    Amen to that.
  11. ColonelCossack
  12. GallowsBird
    agreed. So is Kontra.
    Yes, sadly, like a lot of members they are very anti-social (ironic for socialists).
  13. Bostana
  14. ColonelCossack
    Yes, sadly, like a lot of members they are very anti-social (ironic for socialists).
    And they call US rude, immature, 15 year old fanboys!!!

    Well, I may be an immature 15 year old fanboy, but I AM NOT RUDE.

    On the contrary, M-Ls seem to be the most polite members of this board.
  15. GallowsBird
    Yeah agreed with that. Most M-L teenagers are pretty adult (like teenagers should be as they are young adults not older children). And also if we disagree with each other we don't start to fight and call each other names usually; unlike what usually seems to happen even between members of the same non-M-L tendency. I shudder to think what would happen if the Left-Com, Lib-Com or Anarchist groups needed to chose a new maintainer... I doubt it would be pleasant and probably involving "I am not your friend anymore" style babyness.
  16. GallowsBird

    We are now equal with Left-Communism (which is still sad) as of my vote. I hope more of us vote.
  17. Bostana
    We are now equal with Left-Communism (which is still sad) as of my vote. I hope more of us vote.
    Yah we I don't think anyone smart want's a society run by Left Communists
  18. GallowsBird
    I don't think anyone smart want's a society run by Left Communists
    A salient point!
  19. Omsk
    There is not enough Left-Communists to organize a decent party.They should really be ignored,their influence among the working class is pathetic.
  20. Bostana
    And were beating them by two.
  21. GallowsBird
    We are even again at 17 each. If this wasn't Revleft I'd presume that all the votes for Left-Communism were jokes.
  22. El Chuncho
    El Chuncho
    Left Communists couldn't even lead a revolution. Their idea of a revolution is staying indoors writing pamphlets or writing on forums. We do these things, but we do other things too and have the biggest number of revolutionary parties in the world. WE, M-Ls, are leading the fight in Latin America, Asia and Africa.
  23. El Chuncho
    El Chuncho
    The LeftComs are equal with us now (18).
  24. Bostana
    I wonder who's voting for Left "Communists?"
  25. Sixiang
    As of my vote we are ahead by one.
  26. GallowsBird
    I wonder who's voting for Left "Communists?"
    Yes, it is weird. Are there really 19 Left-Coms in the world?

    We are ahead of them by two at the moment.
  27. Bostana
    Yes, it is weird. Are there really 19 Left-Coms in the world?

    We are ahead of them by two at the moment.
    19 is like Woodstock for them
  28. Roach
    I will just leave this here, but first you guys should read Left Communism instead of Anarchism.
    We are not the kind of people who, when the word "anarchism" is mentioned, turn away contemptuously and say with a supercilious wave of the hand: "Why waste time on that, it's not worth talking about!" We think that such cheap "criticism" is undignified and useless.

    Nor are we the kind of people who console themselves with the thought that the Anarchists "have no masses behind them and, therefore, are not so dangerous. " It is not who has a larger or smaller "mass " following today, but the essence of the doctrine that matters. If the "doctrine" of the Anarchists expresses the truth, then it goes without saying that it will certainly hew a path for itself and will rally the masses around itself. If, however, it is unsound and built up on a false foundation, it will not last long and will remain suspended in mid-air. But the unsoundness of anarchism must be proved.
  29. Vyacheslav Brolotov
    Comrades, when I put up that "Socialist America: What Would You Do?" thread and poll, I was, first of all, shocked at how many people immediately voted for left communism (which I added to the choices just for the hell of it, because we all know that ideology will never work in a post-revolutionary nation). Secondly, I was angered at how all these left communists, libertarians, and Trotskyists hijacked my very serious thread and turned it into chit-chat. I took a lot of time posting that thread so I can hear serious opinions on the topic. All I got was people arguing about the merits of Juche, preaching the word of Trotsky, and talking about how the state is bad. It was such a failure that I have not checked it ever since. Aside from voting, you guys should check it out and tell me your opinions of my plan. We need to stick together and show the rest of the leftist commmunity why we are the only group of the Marxist left that has ever held long-lasting state power in the world.
  30. Bostana
    An Idiot named rooster said Stalin cheated to win the elections: