Trotskyist News and Actions

  1. OI OI OI
    So I made this thread in order for people to post news and actions concerning Trotkyists and involving Trotksyists.

    I will start by posting a link to an interesting article concerning the PSUV-Youth which was formed in Venezuela.

    If the Marxists win the struggle between them and the reformists then that would mean a huge leap forward for the subjective factor in Venezuela.

    The article is here.

    Venezuela is one of the countries that Socialist Revolution is most likely to happen in the next period of years.

    Hopefully the Latin American proletariat will not be defeated again

    EDIT:I think this should be stickied.
  2. Lenin's Law
    Lenin's Law
    I think the events unfolding in Venezuela are extremely interesting and inspiring. It looks like there will be an opportunity at least for a revolutionary opening to break decisively with capitalism and bourgeois politics.

    Ironic that once again, the state that is on the brink of a socialist revolution is Venezuela; considered for decades by Washington to be one of the more stable Latin American bourgeois democracies. Reminiscent of Russia transforming from the bulwark of reaction to the world's first workers state.