The Cadres: Backbone of the Revolution

  1. TheGodlessUtopian
    The following study guide is one of my own creation. It is intended for use with Ernesto Che Guevara's essay on Party cadres entitled The Cadres: Backbone of the Revolution.

    Q1: Why was it not necessary to “dwell upon the characteristics of the Cuban revolution” in its original form?

    A1: It was not necessary because throughout the course of the revolution such a mass of people joined that the character of the revolution changed fundamentally between its initial stage(from national liberation) and the one which dominated it in September of 1962 (socialist construction).

    Q2: Why was the 26th of July Movement unable to devote itself to socialist construction?

    A2: This was because its’ Left and Right wings were engaged in a fierce factional struggle. Taking this further we can say that another cause was because the Popular Socialist Party suffered powerful attacks due to its illegal status. These two effects combined to render no cadre units being recruited thus weakening socialist construction.

    Q3: After the Cuban state began nationalizations why was it easy to find cadres?

    A3: It was easy for the state of fins such recruits because after the intervention program took place a “great exodus” of talent occurred in which many specialists left for higher paying jobs in the Imperialist countries. With this void came a need to fill vacant positions with the workers which showed the minimum qualifications.

    Q4: Why was, according to Che, the Party devolving into a “bureaucratic springboard for promotion of major and minor importance”?

    A4: The Party was degenerating in such a way because the leadership lacked not only “feeling for reality at a given moment” but also the lack of cadres at the intermediate level; those who were specialized in a specific field and had close ties with the masses.

    Q5: What is a Cadre type?

    A5: A Cadre type is a person completely dedicated to the revolution and has a mature understanding of theory to the extent where he/she is able to take directives from a “central power” and deliver them to the masses in a manner that resonates with all. They are the individuals who are disciplined ideologically, and ready to give their lives while facing any challenge which appears. Above all a Cadre type is a person who is a leader and is able to enter their specialized sector and empower the others to make real change.

    Q6: How is Cadre types selected?

    A6: The best Cadre types are selected by the workers assemblies. This is in stark contrast to the initial, lower level, batch of cadre types which were selected by Party officials (ex: Prime Minister Fidel Castro) who went straight to the masses and recruited.

    Q7: How is a Cadre type developed?

    A7: A person who displays the characteristics of the Cadre type is developed into a Cadre through “performing everyday tasks in a systematic manner.“ This must be undertaken while the person in question is dedicated absolutely to the revolution and is taught by a professor who will “encourage rapid ideological development.”

    Q8: Why are different specialties of Cadres needed for different sectors?

    A8: Different Cadres are needed for different sectors of a developing socialist territory because no single person can develop all their abilities in such a way which guarantees equal progression. A Cadre type is someone who is wholly dedicated to a specific area so as to spur on development in vital areas. For this reason there needs to be Cadre types in Political, military, educational, and economic sectors.

    Q9: Why is it necessary to work with professionals and to create an administrative team?

    A9: It is important to work with professionals so as to urge them to propel and advertise science among the youth so as to hasten Cuba’s development. Likewise this would only be possible though an “administrative organ” that knows how to effectively use all the talent at its disposal. Without such an organ using the abilities of one’s country’s specialist will be hampered and thus the state will be weakened.

    Q10: What is the “mission” of the cadre?

    A10: The mission of the cadre type is to be a “screw” which understands its place and is able to function by creatively aiding the development of the masses; this means rejecting parroting of slogans and embracing unique methods of communication which draw the masses toward the Party.