Proletariat Dictatorship and Class Party: Study Guide

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    Brosa Luxemburg
    I will fill this out later.
  2. TheGodlessUtopian
    Please keep us updated on your progress, thank you
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    Brosa Luxemburg
    Half way done with it. Been fairly busy with hours at work, friends and family, etc.
  4. TheGodlessUtopian
    Half way done with it. Been fairly busy with hours at work, friends and family, etc.
    Awesome to hear, I can't wait to see it!
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
    Brosa Luxemburg
    Here is a link to the text Proletariat Dictatorship and Class Party by Amadeo Bordiga.

    1. Why does Bordiga feel that the class struggle must take on a political character?

    2. What does Bordiga see as the three main tasks of the party while the bourgeoisie maintains power?

    3. What does Bordiga mean by "unity" and "persistence"?

    4. When the struggle for power manifests itself, what should the proletariat do?

    5. What does Bordiga say about the social-democratic, anarchist, and syndicalist positions on the state and revolution?

    6. What does Bordiga say about the bourgeois class when it has been overthrown?

    7. What does the proletariat dictatorship represent?

    8. What does the bourgeois ideology say about the post-feudal state and what does the proletariat ideology have to say about the state?

    9. What does Bordiga say about the proletariat state adapting a set of rules to govern social relationships (such as a constitution)? Why?

    10. What does Bordiga say about the role of unions in the proletariat dictatorship?

    11. What does Bordiga say about majority support in popular elections?

    12. What does Bordiga have to say about "democracy" and the term's relevance to revolutionaries?

    13. When will the party no longer be necessary?

    14. What does Bordiga say has to accompany the elimination of the employer and the proprietor?

    15. What is Bordiga saying about power and delegation?


    1. A purely economic struggle does not destroy the social structure of capitalist society.

    2. The three things are 1: To develop and explain a Marxian theory of existing society. 2: To maintain unity and persistence. 3: To prepare for the proletariat revolution and mobilize the class.

    3. By "unity" Bordiga means the unity of all revolutionary vanguards internationally. By "persistence" Bordiga means the party must stick to a truly revolutionary program in changing conditions.

    4. To destroy the bourgeois state and it's organs of rule and control.

    5. Bordiga says communist theory rejects all these positions. The social-democratic position is flawed for wanting to use the bourgeois state to introduce socialism. The anarchist position is flawed for believing in a "brief violent crisis" to destroy the state and introducing socialism the same way. The syndicalist position is flawed for believing that the new productive organization can be "left to the spontaneous and scattered activity of groups of producers shop by shop or trade by trade." Bordiga is arguing against the decentralized make-up of the syndicalist option.

    6. While it is now a defeated and dominated social class, it will still exist after the victory of the proletariat. They will try to re-establish their dominance in either "a violent or disguised way."

    7. It does not represent a communist society. It represents the construction of a communist society.

    8. Revolutionary bourgeois ideology denies that the state works in the interests of a class and claims the state works in the interests of all people. Proletariat ideology denies this, claiming the state is working in the interests of a class. The future state should be wielded by the proletariat.

    9. Bordiga thinks it would be useless for the proletariat state to do such a thing. The proletariat state, before it withers away, will constantly be evolving and changing according to material conditions. While it may prove to be convienant to adopt something such as a constitution, it must be "instrumental" and "temporary" only.

    10. The union will have a role to play as long as the standard of living the worker needs to be protected, as long as there remains employers or "impersonal enterprises."

    11. Bordiga claims that the party does not need to receive a statistical majority in popular elections before beginning the proletariat revolution and taking state power.

    12. Bordiga says that, if democracy is to mean "the rule of all people" and, consequently, the rule of all classes, the communists reject democracy because they only seek the rule of one class. Terms such as "workers' democracy" are contradictory and if democracy is to mean "the rule of the majority" then the democrats should be for our "class side."

    13. When no remnants of capitalism exist.

    14. The elimination of the anarchy of the capitalist economy.

    15. Instead of power being largely delegated, the proletariat would take an active part in the administration of the state apparatus.
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    Brosa Luxemburg
    I am open to all criticism. Make sure my self esteem is gone, and I have no hope left in my life