Idea's for articles

  1. Proukunin
    Post your idea's for articles here. If you have a full article that you've written you can send it to me in a PM.
    Remember comrades, anything can help build this small group up so if you have any idea's don't be hesitant to share with us.
  2. Comrade1
    We could start an artical to see the popularity of each tendency within the party
  3. Proukunin
    Like starting a poll? If you want you cant start a poll discussion on this group. I for one would like to see what each person's views are like,
  4. Comrade1
    Well im a Anti-revisionist, Marxist-Leninist and I strongly support Stalin.
  5. Proukunin
    Well, comrade I want you to think about your views before you start working with us. Because of the fact that there will be many other tendencies including say Trotskyists, Maoists, Non-tendency communists, council communists and left communists. The whole point of this group is to Unify all tendencies, so that we can have a stronger force and fresh new politics inside the workers movement. This does not mean we will ban your views. I want to tell you this before you get active with us.
  6. Comrade1
    Oh I understand and I fully support unity of all tendencys for a revolution and I'm fine with this.
  7. Red Brigade
    Red Brigade
    There should be an article about how we need unity for a successful revolution.
  8. Zeus the Moose
    Zeus the Moose
    Why would left and council communists be restricted from leadership elections?
  9. Proukunin
    Simple reasoning of being somewhat anarchist. advocating revolution straight to communism which has never ever been achieved or even set up to be achieved. without the dictatorship of the proletariat you cannot go through the stages of capitalism, socialism, communism.
  10. Zeus the Moose
    Zeus the Moose
    I don't think left and council communists would agree with the way you've outlined that. From my experiences with them, they would support some concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat as a transitional state form, though not necessarily led by a "Leninist" party (I have problems with the "Leninist" party model too, though different criticisms.)

    Now, none of this really affects me personally, as I wouldn't identify as a left or council communist, but I don't think excluding them from potentially holding leadership positions makes sense.
  11. Proukunin
    I see where your going with this. Maybe we can do this and see how it ends up. if they were to get elected.

    but thats great that youve told me this because we wouldnt want a Leninist party. we want a Communist Party of united marxists and rejecting marxists would be a contradiction.
  12. Comrade1
    Now hold on just a minute, I have a left communist friend who openly tells me the reason he became one is because he rejects the dictatorship of the proletariat. Now letting people like that in leadership positions of a MARXIST party doesent seem reasonable as their policies openly contradict Marxist policies.
  13. Proukunin
    We'll all have to work on this together once leadership positions come up. I myself thought that left communists and council communists were not in favor of DOTP and more of a libertarian approach to communism. Which has never worked.
  14. Comrade1
    Chris, you are exactly right on your original thoughts about the left and council communists views of the DOTP. They dont support it. They wish to go straight to a classless and stateless society.
  15. Zeus the Moose
    Zeus the Moose
    And yet left and council communists are basically Marxists, they're just not "post-1919 Leninist" Marxists. Frankly, neither am I in many respects, though I would consider myself to uphold the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat as a transitional state.

    Regardless of this, preventing left and council communists from holding leadership positions would make them second-class members in the organisation. Essentially they'd be told "we'll accept you as members, but don't think your politics are correct enough to take any sort of leading role in this group." If you don't want left communists in the leadership, then the way to prevent that from happening is to argue your politics versus theirs in a leadership election and try to win more people to your view, rather than putting up rules to prevent them from fully participating in the first place, which strikes me as fundamentally anti-democratic.
  16. Comrade1
    Well the goal of this group is to unite MARXISTS. And if people like that do democratically get elected, they could changed the morals of the party itself. Thats why I still support the disqualification of them running for leadership.
  17. Zeus the Moose
    Zeus the Moose
    Well the goal of this group is to unite MARXISTS.
    And yet left and council communists are basically Marxists
    What am I missing here?
  18. Proukunin
    I do agree with some of you're points. Although we have not yet had any CC or LC join the group. If we do end up having them join. We'll have to work it out in a majority vote to see if we all agree about this or not. It cannot be held up to me to decide just yet because Im not a leader of the group.

    I do understand what you're saying since they are Marxists. But they do not uphold some key Marxist theories.
  19. #FF0000
    I do understand what you're saying since they are Marxists. But they do not uphold some key Marxist theories.
    Care to enlighten us on which ones those are, exactly? Cause it sounds to me that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    BTW: Dictatorship of the Proletariat
  20. Zeus the Moose
    Zeus the Moose
    Well the goal of this group is to unite MARXISTS. And if people like that do democratically get elected, they could changed the morals of the party itself. Thats why I still support the disqualification of them running for leadership.
    If a left or council communist was able to get elected to a leadership post, that would probably mean that there were enough left and council communists, or at least folks who supporters their positions, to successfully support them. To deny them representation on leadership bodies is undemocratic, full stop. You'd be better off opposing them from joining the organisation altogether, though personally I'd be against that too.

    I do agree with some of you're points. Although we have not yet had any CC or LC join the group. If we do end up having them join. We'll have to work it out in a majority vote to see if we all agree about this or not. It cannot be held up to me to decide just yet because Im not a leader of the group.
    True, though if this group wants to attract left and council communists as members, having internal proscriptions on their activity certainly won't do that.

    I do understand what you're saying since they are Marxists. But they do not uphold some key Marxist theories.
    Perhaps not, though again I think their opposition to the "dictatorship of the proletariat" is based around how the term was applied in regard to the experience of the Soviet Union. I'd disagree with left-communists in this regard, but to say they oppose the dictatorship of the proletariat as a whole is ridiculous, IMO.
  21. Comrade1
    The support for the ability of left/council communist to be able to become party leaders seems high. So what i'm already seeing is the chance for MAJOR revisionism to seep into the partys command and change its morals. This is a Marxist party.
  22. #FF0000
    The support for the ability of left/council communist to be able to become party leaders seems high. So what i'm already seeing is the chance for MAJOR revisionism to seep into the partys command and change its morals. This is a Marxist party.
    Left Communists are Marxists. Marxists are not just people who agree with you. This isn't an anti-revisionist marxist-leninist group.
  23. Proukunin
  24. Proukunin
    This is a Marxist group, you are right. Not Marxist-Leninist. Although Marxist-Leninists are welcome. The reason for this is to unite Marxists. That being said, this IS a multi-tendency group.