
  1. Tower of Bebel
    Tower of Bebel
    Can anyone recommend me some articles on the life and works of Leon Trotsky? I don't want the usual stuff from CWI, IMT, IS, ICC, LibCom, WW, etc. because I already searched for those.
  2. Faceless
    He spanned a fairly long life - is there a particular time in his life/a field of his work that you want to read more about? I'd strongly recommend his autobiography, "My Life", although it is a long read - not exactly an "article". Nevertheless it's lively: it spans his childhood, various exiles, experiences of the 1905 and 1917 revolutions, the time he spent in America, his work building the Left Opposition, the tragedy of losing his comrades and family members at the hands of Stalinist murderers. has a concise list of Trotsky's important works. A quick glance over shows that there's been a few biographical writings on Trotsky including this obituary by Cannon. Not sure if it's any good, I've never read it: