Lenin/the Bolshevik Party and the Transitional Program

  1. Tower of Bebel
    Tower of Bebel
    With the advent of the imperialist phase of capitalism at the beginning of the twentieth century, the struggle for power was again on the agenda; the Russian Revolution of 1905 was its first and most striking manifestation. In 1917, the Bolshevik Party advanced what was a transitional program in fact even though it did not use the name (it is to be found in the April Theses as well as in Lenin’s pamphlet The Threatening Catastrophe and How to Fight It).
    The Bolsheviks therefore formulated a transitional programme as a bridge – taking into account the day-to-day demands of the working class – from the existing level of consciousness to the idea of the socialist revolution. This was necessary even during the Russian revolution because of the differing and changing outlooks of the different sections of the working class. This was summed up in Lenin’s wonderful pamphlet, The Threatening Catastrophe and How to Avoid It.
    Is there anyone who could help me find that "transitional program [..] even though it did not use the name" supposedly "summed up in Lenin's wonderful pamphlet, The Threatening Catastrophe and How to Avoid It"? Or could anyone explain to me what passage(s) represent(s) such a program?
  2. Tower of Bebel
    Tower of Bebel