which affiliation is yours

  1. Brutus
    Just out of curiosity, why would a Trotskyist have a picture of Stalin as an avatar?
    You have no proof of that. I attended Stalin's 'school of falsification'. Now you will go to a gulag.
  2. Art Vandelay
    I've applied to join the CWI, just waiting for a response.
  3. Q
    I've applied to join the CWI, just waiting for a response.
    You were from the US, right? Socialist Alternative is a small but nice group of people
  4. Art Vandelay
    I'm from Canada but the branch seems to have the same name here.
  5. Q
    I'm from Canada but the branch seems to have the same name here.
    Oh, that is right. I guess you're on the westcoast in that case. Besides Vancouver I think we only have another group in Quebec. But I could be wrong.
  6. Ostrinski
    If I join an organization any time soon it will be the ISO. I think the League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP) has a much better political program but they are too tiny and only have two brances.
  7. Permanent Revolutionary
    Permanent Revolutionary
    Why do Trots have so many tendencies. Shouldn't we try to unite under one flag?
  8. Brutus
    Why do Trots have so many tendencies. Shouldn't we try to unite under one flag?
    Yes, we should. But we decide to split into sects, that split again and so on and so on
  9. Lev Bronsteinovich
    Closest to the ICL.
  10. Geiseric
    Yes, we should. But we decide to split into sects, that split again and so on and so on
    Splits are good, the actual revolutionaries can seperate themselves from opportunists, and vice versa. The bad comes from when half of a revolutionary organization becomes anomic, loses organization, and drops out of politics, like what happened with the Schactman split from the SWP.
  11. LOLseph Stalin
    LOLseph Stalin
    I'm not yet a member officially, but CWI.
  12. Kassad
    If I join an organization any time soon it will be the ISO. I think the League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP) has a much better political program but they are too tiny and only have two brances.
    In a broad analysis of "size," a group of 100 or so people like the LRP is not really that much smaller than the ISO, which only has I'd say 500 consistent, active members. And the LRP is an organization of incredibly well-educated cadres, despite the fact that I think their politics are terrible.

    But in a country of over 300 million people, the size difference is miniscule. Go with program, not fake popularity politics.
  13. Anglo-Saxon Philistine
    The only active Bolshevik-Leninist group here has observer status in the Fourth International (United Secretariat). It's not the best option, but it's the only one that exists. I am thinking about joining the group.
  14. Lev Bronsteinovich
    The only active Bolshevik-Leninist group here has observer status in the Fourth International (United Secretariat). It's not the best option, but it's the only one that exists. I am thinking about joining the group.
    Don't do it, comrade. You are far better politically than the centrist swamp that is the USFI. Start your own group, perhaps?
  15. Anglo-Saxon Philistine
    Actually, having asked around about the Workers' Struggle group (the group I referenced in my previous post), they're far worse than the standard USFI party. The height of their activism was petty vandalism against the ruling party, but they seem to have abandoned even that in favour of extreme economism. Browsing through their newspaper, one gets the impression that politics doesn't exist to these people - only trade unions.

    I thought about starting something, but I know, at most, three people who might be persuaded to join... I don't think that's enough.
  16. Lev Bronsteinovich
    Actually, having asked around about the Workers' Struggle group (the group I referenced in my previous post), they're far worse than the standard USFI party. The height of their activism was petty vandalism against the ruling party, but they seem to have abandoned even that in favour of extreme economism. Browsing through their newspaper, one gets the impression that politics doesn't exist to these people - only trade unions.

    I thought about starting something, but I know, at most, three people who might be persuaded to join... I don't think that's enough.
    Well, that is small -- you could contact the ICL -- they might provide a little support -- They certainly do not have a section in your country -- the only other group I would consider is Revolutionary Regroupment -- but they are tiny. One or two people in New York and a small group in Brazil. They are a split from the IBT -- a group that was founded by people that couldn't make in the IST (predecessor of the ICL). The BT is now led by Bill Logan, a very dubious character. They are moribund in the US with one real local in Toronto and another in New Zealand. The IG is okay, too, although I think they are somewhat impressionistic.
  17. Anglo-Saxon Philistine
    I'll do that; I can't be the only communist in these hinterlands that has an interest in the Sparts. Incidentally, who should I write to? I've been staring at their website for about quarter of an hour, and, either I'm too tired or there is no contact or secretariat section listed.
  18. TheGodlessUtopian
    I'll do that; I can't be the only communist in these hinterlands that has an interest in the Sparts. Incidentally, who should I write to? I've been staring at their website for about quarter of an hour, and, either I'm too tired or there is no contact or secretariat section listed.
    Assuming I have the correct website I found this events list which has some branches: http://www.icl-fi.org/events/index.html

    Doesn't look like they have a section in your locale. Still, somewhat unprofessional to have no contact sheet. Maybe try on Facebook?
  19. Geiseric
    I'll do that; I can't be the only communist in these hinterlands that has an interest in the Sparts. Incidentally, who should I write to? I've been staring at their website for about quarter of an hour, and, either I'm too tired or there is no contact or secretariat section listed.
    The sparts harass every other group and try to sell their newspaper at the events we plan. They are basically a cult and support NAMBLA.

    If you're looking for a group to join in the U.S. look at the link in my sig, socialist organize is a totally sane and active group in real activism, not spart nonsense
  20. Anglo-Saxon Philistine
    I am not in the United States, though, nor do I plan to come there any time soon. I am in broad agreement with the ICL/Spartacists on ideological issues, not necessarily on tactical matters. If the ICL responds to my question, and if it turns out that there are other Spartacist sympathisers here, I assure you we won't harass "left-wing" groups (we'd have to find one first). Nor, in all probability, will we spend much time worshiping Robertson.

    Anyway, this is a sensitive subject since questioning certain norms can get you banned on this site, unlike, say, being a Zionist or primmie, but I think it's clear from the recent Florida case that the age of consent laws are used selectively to harass those who dissent from patriarchy and "family values". Child molestation could be persecuted even without those laws (not that I am calling for their repeal) since it results in obvious physical and mental harm.
  21. Geiseric
    What recent Florida case? Sure you could be right on one occasion but the sparts are pretty useless as a whole. If you want to get into real organizing the sparts would be the single worst choice.
  22. Fourth Internationalist
    Why do Trots have so many tendencies. Shouldn't we try to unite under one flag?
    "Trotskyism" encompasses a wide-variety of beliefs, with many of them, to me, can be considered to have flaws that are anti-Marxist, anti-Leninist, and anti-Trotskyist. This goes from ultra-lefts to reformists. The "Trotskyist" ideologies that have serious individual flaws are not a group of people I would unite with under one banner (I would gladly work with them and try to get them to a complete and legitimate Trotskyism, but I would not unite with them politically).
  23. Fourth Internationalist
    I'd say I'm mostly interested in the League for the Revolutionary Party. I got interested in the Sparts a little over a month ago, but the LRP's works really convinced me recently of their own politics.
  24. Kassad
    I'm a supporter of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)/Spartacist League.
  25. Geiseric
    I'm a supporter of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)/Spartacist League.
    So you de facto support NAMBLA?
  26. Art Vandelay
    So you de facto support NAMBLA?
    What the hell was the purpose of this post? Just to try and stir shit up?
  27. Fourth Internationalist
    What the hell was the purpose of this post? Just to try and stir shit up?
    If it weren't for the threat of being silenced by being banned, it'd be a really good issue to discuss.
  28. Art Vandelay
    If it weren't for the threat of being silenced by being banned, it'd be a really good issue to discuss.
    Agreed, it would be an interesting issue to discuss (age of consent, not nambla), but to say that the ICL 'supports' nambla is a bit of a misnomer. Geiseric was just shit slinging as usual.
  29. ThisIsInternetClash
    Reading over this, I realise how much of a gobshite I was five years ago!
  30. LeninistIthink
    I'm CWI sympathizing. I am just leaving the CPB from my M-L days but I'm trying to understand the CWI more, anyone able to report on life in the English section? I also considered the IMT but they've abandoned Labour entryism from what I hear so that just makes their separation from the CWI laughable.
    Edit: they haven't abandoned entryism, wikipedia lied to me :'(
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