1. Lenin's Law
    Lenin's Law
    I would like to know our thoughts on this union/organization. Sometimes I get the impression that it's solely anarchist and other times I'm given the impression that it is generally free of ideology. Does anyone here have any experience with this group?

    I know someone who is in it and he actually says that the group he is with is pretty "undisciplined", members don't show up for meetings and I've even heard him remark how "they (the members he works with) don't care" It's actually quite depressing as he is a decent person but seems to be a bit confused politically. Of course this is just the opinion of 1 person regarding 1 section of the IWW and I know some people here have had radically different experiences.For instance on revleft I get the complete opposite opinion of the IWW that they're the greatest thing ever so I was wondering if the Trots could somehow find some truth in all of this.
  2. OI OI OI
    Well in edmonton, Canada for example the IWW is pretty decent.

    They have a lot of active members, so the IMt people there work sometimes with the IWW and have good relations with it.

    Also of course the IWW is undiciplined as it is anarchist dominate it.

    You cannot tell an anarchist to show up at 7 o' clock exactly. It is too authoritarian!
  3. Holden Caulfield
    i just read the theory of it, one big union is a great idea shows real solidarity among the workers rather than self-interest etc