Indian Stalin Theme song

  1. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    I thought all of my ML peeps would enjoy this
  2. Comrade Samuel
    Comrade Samuel
    I have never needed a translator more in my entire life.
  3. Ismail
    Stalin is a popular name in India. On a related note, in Albania during the socialist period there was a unisex name called Marenglen (Marx-Engels-Lenin) which a number of Albanians have.
  4. Roach
    Same with variations of Vladimir Illich Lenin in South America, a good example of that is Carlos Illich the Jackal. This also leaded to embarassing names for example Vladimiro Illich Montesinos chief of the Security Apparatus of the neo-liberal Fujimori regime that lead the repression of the Tupac Amaru Movement and the Shinning Path.
  5. Roach
    ...or Carlos (Karl) Frederico (Friederich) Lacerda, a Brazilian anti-communist leader.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    A schoolmate of mine was named Johann Iljitsch and we called him Johil.
  7. Brutus
    Carlos the jackal's father had three sons name Vladimir, illich and Lenin.
    Carlos was the middle child. If my dad would have only called me Lenin...
  8. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    Naming kids after Lenin happened a lot in the USSR.
    Of course there is a movie where some bloke is called Mels and the Komsomol leader gets mad because he calls himself Mel thus disregarding Stalin. Forgot what it was called though.
  9. Roach
  10. bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    bad ideas actualised by alcohol
    I think that's the one.
  11. Roach
    looks awfull
  12. Brutus
    It's like someone jumped into a paint warehouse wearing strange clothes
  13. Zealot
    Why is Stalin a popular name in India??
  14. Zealot
    Pretty cool song btw.
  15. Roach
    Its common to communist parents to have their children named after things related to communism, for example the names that have been cited here, and since as user ind-com said recently, almost all communists in India follow the line of Stalin, denouncing him being political suicide.
  16. Zealot
    But is it a common name in general or only amongst communists?