Where to start?

  1. Landsharks eat metal
    Landsharks eat metal
    I know this group's discussion is really kind of dead, but I figured maybe this would be a good place to ask anyway. I'm interested in learning more about insurrectionary anarchism but I have no idea where to start and no one to help me understand and I feel a bit overwhelmed, so could anybody recommend some things for me to read?
  2. Ele'ill
    Good post, I would also like to see more discussion from insurrectionist positions. Have you read any feral faun/wolfi landstreicher? I think most of the relating texts are more specifically post-left anarchism but they are certainly influenced by insurrectionary anarchist currents http://theanarchistlibrary.org/

    It wouldn't help for me to just list texts I think you should ask a lot of questions here and I'll see if I can direct you towards appropriate texts? Would that work?
  3. Ele'ill
    also, sometimes I just want to read conversations because it's easier for me to understand than reading a text so here http://anarchy101.org/657/classical-...nsurrectionist are some suggestions from people (that site is pretty neat too) and maybe this text by Alfredo Maria Bonanno http://theanarchistlibrary.org/libra...chism-part-one
  4. Landsharks eat metal
    Landsharks eat metal
    I haven't really read much of anything, so I don't even know what to ask yet... [But for me, that's what it's like for a lot of things on the left because here is the only place I have to talk about it, and I have practically no resources available to me, and the furthest left person I've ever met in real life is one of those annoying people that says controlled socialism is a good thing and don't even know what socialism actually means...)
    but yeah, I'll look at what you linked and see where to go from there. Thanks.