Trotskyism Vs. Stalinism in the third world

  1. Unclebananahead
    To what degree is Trotskyism present in the third world? Many Stalin-oid parties assert that Trotskyism is virtually non-existent in the third world, and is primarily a 'first world phenomenon', because Stalin-oids allegedly more fully embrace the nationalist self determination struggles of oppressed nationalities, as well as the CPSU under Stalin apparently having presented a successful model of 'industrialization within a single generation' via the five year plans. Stalin-oids frequently accuse Trotskyists of being irrelevant to the third world, and therefore argue that the cause of Trotskyism was correspondingly sparsely taken up there. How do Trotskyists respond to such claims?
  2. Crux
    In Sri Lana the majority went with the Left Opposition and did in fact kick out the stalinists. In Vietnam trotskyism was a major movement up until the stalinists started to physically eliminate them in the 40's (might've been a little bit later even). In argentine trotskyism was a major force, but these days is pretty fractured, in bolivia the main trade union COB base their program on the Transistional Program. Just to name some of the more prominent examples. For some reason tehre also seem to be quite a large trotskyist movement in Pakistan.
  3. Ilyich
    In Sri Lana the majority went with the Left Opposition and did in fact kick out the stalinists. In Vietnam trotskyism was a major movement up until the stalinists started to physically eliminate them in the 40's (might've been a little bit later even). In argentine trotskyism was a major force, but these days is pretty fractured, in bolivia the main trade union COB base their program on the Transistional Program. Just to name some of the more prominent examples. For some reason tehre also seem to be quite a large trotskyist movement in Pakistan.
    This, also, the Workers' Party has quite a presence in Algeria. It has more parliamentary representation than any other Trotskyist organization (not the best way to measure the third world popularity of a revolutionary group but still...). I assume this is because the Trotskyists lent a lot of support to the Algerian masses during their War for Independence.
  4. Geiseric
    the workers party of algeria leaders are in the same international as I'm in.
  5. Gabriel Tolstoy
    Gabriel Tolstoy
    The two most important left opposition parties in Brazil have ties to Trotskism. The PSTU (my organization, by the way) is part of IWL-FI, and at least 4 tendencies of the PSOL claim to be Trotskist. Not counting countless smaller groups.

    Stalinism, on the other hand, is mostly pro-government. The largest party is the PCdoB, which is huge, but mostly a social-democratic party nowadays, I think. There's also PCR (which I think is Maoist). And, as part of the left opposition, there is PCB, which is very small but very important.

    Most left-wing activists in Brazil have some Trotskist background. Except for the PCR, basically no tendency claims to be Stalinist anymore.