Revolutionary Party Building

  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Amongst us anti-revisionists, there is a strong revisionist current of economism. Many comrades seem to adhere to a KKE non-revolutionary and anti-mass type party which only accepts members who are deemed class conscious enough.

    This revisionist practice of self proclaimed Marxist-Leninist parties runs completely contrary to the historical theoretical and practical basis of Marxism and Leninism. The forgotten truth as the basis of the Marxist movement is: the convergence of socialism with the workers movement. Lenin hardly mentions it in his works because it was common knowledge of marxism's goal at the time, but now the unwritten truths of that time have vanished and revolutionary party building has been lost from the revolutionary consciousness of a lot, if not the vast majority, of today's anti-revisionist comrades.

    The Marxist revolutionary vanguard of workers needs to, before it can pose the question of power (before it could ever make a move towards revolutionary, armed insurrection as Lenin lead against the bourgeois parliament), be a mass. A party with support of the majority of the people. To get to a mass party, we in the bourgeois democratic countries have a weapon at our disposal which the Bolsheviks in the Czarist dictatorship did not have, that is the possibility of not only a public and legal mass party, but a mass party armed with the arsenal of political alternative culture.

    Lessons from the ad-hoc council revolutions of Soviet Russia 1917, Germany 1919, and other revolutionary countries should have been learned and theoretically internalised into the Marxist-Leninist movement. There is a need for a revolutionary workers party which accepts all workers, professional workers and leftists who are willing to join; a revolutionary party which would be focused on alternative culture organisation and building a mass worker base, to be in the position to pose the question of power once the majority of the people get disillusioned by capitalist anti-socialness, once the political situation is ripe to be overthrown and socialism built.

    Here is a link of the Communist Party of Great Britain on basic prerequisites and fundamental questions on party building.

    The theory for the correct revolutionary workers vanguard party was laid already before Lenin, by pre-WW1 pre-renegade Karl Kautsky, we just need to go out and convince our other fellow anti-revisionists of the need for mass party building and stop the tradition of economism.
  2. Comrade_Stalin
    Don't allow a lack of clear concise anti-revisionist economic theory, be mistaken for a here and it's to capitalist economics. It's true that we lack the ideas needed to produce a new economic realistic framework for the current world. But don't let this fool you into thinking that we approve or support the current revisionist economics out there.
  3. Comrade Hill
    Are bourgeois-democratic countries really "democratic" though? Hmm.

    Also, what do you mean by "being public?"