Thank god someone made this group

  1. xREDNECKx
    Vegans and veggies of the world,unite!
  2. seventeethdecember2016
    Solidarity comrade!
  3. leftistman
    How long ago did you guys stop eating meat? It's been about half of a year for me.
  4. seventeethdecember2016
    I believe it's been 7 years for me so far.
  5. Münchhausen
    Last sunday it were 3 years and 6 months for me.
  6. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    It will be a year in October.
  7. Fourth Internationalist
    For me, since 6th grade. I'm going into 10th in late August.
  8. Buzzard
    It's been about a year for me
  9. Xena Warrior Proletarian
    Xena Warrior Proletarian
    Vegetarian for over a year, just went vegan yesterday it's difficult, but practicality must never obstruct principles