
  1. ArseCynic
    I have been a marxist for some time now, and after years I still cannot understnd "Dialectical Materialism".

    At this point I'm really just trying to distinguish how it is different from Classical Naturalism.

    Could you it to me in a very logical and clear manner? thanks.
  2. Zealot
    You can have a look through this thread where someone has asked the same question.

    Whether or not you agree with their politics, some easy reads on this are:

    Dialectical and Historical Materialism - Stalin
    On Practice - Mao
    On Contradiction - Mao
    Dance of the Dialectic - Bertell Ollman

    And, not to sound condescending, but a good start for beginners would be the site Dialectics for Kids.

    Is there anything in specific?